“For this ointment could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor. And they scolded her.” Mark 14:5 (ESV).

As I still did a deeper research on this event, I discovered that the oil this woman poured on Jesus was the most expensive oil in the world at the time. Outside the fact that it was made from spikenard, some of its ingredients came from the Himalayas. All these factors contributed in making it a very expensive oil.

In that occasion that day, there were professional business analyst and evaluators. They quickly got to work and valued the oil at 300 denarii. In that era, this was enough to pay a labourer for one year. This was how expensive this oil was. The expensive value of this oil makes it strictly reserved for royals.

As I pondered on this, I imagined this woman using all her life savings to buy this expensive oil. After spending so much in purchasing this oil, she just poured it on Jesus all at once. You might think that it was a crazy thing to do, its alright. This woman epitomized an exemplary expression of love that we must thoroughly learn from.

My dear, if you say you love God, it must cost you something. You cannot claim to love God and still hold back things from him. The cost of your love can be money, time, friends, and habits, even family. Can God place a demand on very sensitive and most cherished things in your life and be sure to have it? What is God demanding from you? Even as I write this, I am still asking myself these pertinent questions. As a God lover, give it all to him, you will be glad you did. I pray God will help us all, in Jesus name. Amen!

Stay blessed.


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