“If you want to be my disciple, you must hate everyone else by comparison – your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters – yes, even your own life. Otherwise, you cannot be my disciple” Luke 14:26 (NLT).


When Jesus talked about hating your father and mother, He was not talking about the literal hate that we are used to. I always tell people that it is risky to take all of Jesus’ sayings literarily, because some of the times He speaks in parables and figuratively. Same applies to this statement made by our Lord Jesus in the above quoted scripture.

Jesus was actually talking about a love that does not have a rival. In having this unrivalled love for Him, He expects you to place nothing and no one above Him. This entails you make Him first in your life and in everything you do. Wait! Did I just say everything you do? YES I DID. There is no going around it. I only enjoyed serving God when this revelation sunk into my spirit and became part of me. If you do not love God that much, then you may not be able to serve Him effectively.

In serving God, your family and self should be secondary. It really has nothing to do with you not caring for the people God has placed in your life. I want to assure us that this is by no means a boot camp process, God would not ask you to do what He has not given you the capacity or potential to do. So, if He says you ought to place Him above all things, He very well knows you can do it.

This is a clarion call for us all today. Are we serving because we want people to see us and possibly recommend us or is it born out of love for the one who rewards service? I will like to end by quoting some lines from a song written and performed by a Nigerian singer called Asa: “Mr Soldier man, tomorrow is the day you go to war. Could it be love for your country or for the gun that you are holding?”. Let me put those lines in this context: My friend, you really want to serve. Could it be because of the love you have for God or the benefits you have anticipated to get? Think on this.

Stay blessed.

(Transforming the World through the Word)