SECOND CHANCE by Aleele Paago (Deep Words Devotional)

The Lord is my Shepherd Ps 23:1a
Pro 25:2  It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.

As we dwell on this first line of the Psalm, I realized that it is my knowledge of God that is the game changer for my life. Nothing else. I conclude that it is the day the sheep knows its shepherd that his story begins to change. But then, knowing the shepherd only makes the sheep know itself. The big question is, how or why does it work out like that? For me to truly know me, I need to truly know the shepherd.

The answers may appear simple on the surface but they are really very intense and  deep. On the surface it’s easy to conclude that because God created me, if I get to know God, I get to know what He created me for and why. That is the summary of it. But you should never be  satisfied with summaries. Go beyond the surface; I want to encounter deeper truths and principles. I want to uncover how it works so that I can truly apply it. 

I came to the staggering realization that I have lived my life. You have lived yours too. What you are living now, is the second chance. They say all products are created twice – the first creation is in the mind of the inventor and the second is the actual manufacture of the product. This is but a very weak comparison but it is the closest I can get. Everyone you see today have lived before now.  They have rehearsed this life.  Right now on earth they are only required   to act out their  script. Tomorrow I will give you the scriptural proof.


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