SECOND CHANCE 2 by Aleele Paago (Deep Words Devotional)

You have lived your life in the mind of the creator – every bit of it. I will ask you to approach the following verses in the simplicity of what they say.

Jer 1:5  Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

You cannot know a non-existent person. You can plan to ordain something when it is created. But you can only ordain it when it is in existence.  The creator had a specific you in mind which he painstakingly created. For Jeremiah, what God had in mind was a prophet to the nations. But now, the bible says, “before I formed you IN THE BELLY I knew thee…” Can I tell you that Jeremiah did not just exist as a concept in the mind of God? His life was scripted A-Z and he was only brought to earth to manifest that which God had written in his script. Jeremiah was known because he had lived his life with God.
Ps 139:16  Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them. (NAS)

Every single day of David’s life was written down – the day he would be ordained by Samuel, the day he would kill Goliath, the day he would sleep with Uriah’s wife, the day he would become the king. Everything was written down while they had not existed. If it is true for Jeremiah and true for David, is there a possibility that it is true for you and me? The answer is a big “yes!”

God called Gideon “mighty man of valour” why? Because that is how his script was written. We see the concept again in 2 Kings 23: where King Josiah fulfills a prophecy that was made over 300 years earlier in 1 Kings 13.
Same can be said about Jesus. Oh yes, we know he was the Word that was at the beginning. But the bible also says, he was the lamb that was slain at the foundation of the world. You cannot slay the Word, so even Jesus’ death on the cross had taken place first at the foundation of the world and the second chance was at Calvary. Since Jesus could not kill himself, it is obvious then that the Roman soldiers, Judas, Pilate and all others too were at the foundation of the world!

This perfectly explains what Paul means when he declares in First Corinthians “…Now I know in part (imperfectly), but then I shall know and understand  fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood [by God]. 1 Cor 13:12 AMP”

Have you seen the script of your life? If you are a lamb of the shepherd, chances are that you are waiting for the shepherd to give you directions and to read the script  for you. Lambs who own the shepherd approach life differently. David shows us in this Psalm.

please live your script today.

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