MINE YOUR MIND- life is down there! By Godwin ‘Captain’ Kalu

I wasn’t there when God created the world but I know that He blessed the earth. We can’t doubt this especially when the golds, diamond, precious stones, crude oil, etc are there to bear witness that God did a perfect job on the earth.

Mineral resources are viable enough to service an economy. As Nigerians, we cannot say that we are ignorant of this truth. Crude oil has done us some good and this is just one mineral resource discovered and tapped out of the abundant untapped resources! As it stands, we are yet to mine all the mineral resources abundant for our prosperity yet as a country, we are not poor.

Again, I ask myself: where is the place of man in this picture?

The core component of every man is his mind! A man’s mind buries his life. You can improve your life by exploring and exploiting the deposits of your mind. More than one raw capacity is buried in your inside. How do I know this? God also did a perfect job in your creation and as He is, so are we! Approach one out of such deposits with a business mindset and your life can never remain the same. To sideline your mind power is to forfeit your life capacity. God wires success to us through our minds. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of a sound mind. That sound mind can create a sound  life.

What your mind buries can change your life. The problem is not that you are not endowed as much as the fact that you are not looking keenly in the direction of what can come out of your mind to change your life. I say to you, “you are a perfect representation of the awesomeness of God”. God created you and in you are raw deposits of potentials. That’s your energy! That’s your power! It looks like a dirty hopeless crude oil down there but that’s your petrol! That’s your voice in the committee of great men. The message behind this is simple: “you can explore, extract, refine and serve those hidden abilities just with the slightest tap and be rewarded for your diligence and hardwork.

If you are not creative, it is not because God wants you to remain that way; you have rather chosen to be satisfied with the level of life you are operating under. Your mind is a deep well; it gives out what you are willing to draw out of it. The substance in it can never finish.

I have made up my mind to mine the deposits of my mind, not making room for waste. That’s my goldmine! When I am done, I will certainly fix my price and even you will pay for it.

“as a man thinks in his heart, so is he”

©ApPles of Gold

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ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE… by Aleele Paago (Deep Words Devotional)

I shall not want.  Ps23:1b

This simple statement is one of the most challenging in the entire Bible.

Your life has a script and it has been written down as a daily to do list. God reads this script and hopes you can adhere to it. You are here to act out that script. How I wish you come to the knowledge of what is written in your book! All you need to live this second chance was provided for the first time you lived:

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the full knowledge of the one who called us by his own glory and excellence. (2 Pet1:3).

This passage says it has already been provided (“has given”, not “will give”). If the provision is in the past, it means the need is also in the past. In other words, before the need arose, it was provided for. It is all in the script.

This understanding creates a whole new set of questions. If I lived with God and was a success, why then do I struggle and fail here? How do I manifest what I did with God now on earth? The answer is very glaring. You have two options when you come to earth: You can live the godly life – the life you first lived with God, or you can live an ungodly life. The ungodly life is not necessarily a “sinful” life. Rather it is a life lived not according to the plan and provision of God from the first chance.
It is my prayer that this devotional will help you realize what is entailed in your script. You need to know how to read the producer’s script of your life so that you can just act it out. The saying of William Shakespeare is true, “all the world’s a stage…”

The shepherd has scripted your part in this grand movie. Every sheep in the fold is on set. What does the shepherd want you to do today? What provisions has he made for you. If you are acting a part and you do not find the costumes and resources for that part is it an indication that you are in the wrong place?
We consider this tomorrow. 

DeepWords Devotional