PRECIOUS SEEDS 003 By Godwin ‘Captain’ Kalu

When Jesus does not sound like the answer….

It is common to hear phrases like: “I have prayed and prayed yet, nothing is working”. Few people in their quest to finding answers to threatening issues of life have turned open their ears to such mediums that were abominations in yesterday.

“I thought that at the mention of the name of Jesus, every knees will bow! Ironically, the knees on my case gathered reinforcement from more knees and stood up and tall, exerting greater unshakable tendencies over my case”, Someone said!

How do you continue to tell someone to hold on, that Jesus knows about his troubles when he prays more than you do yet sees worst results than you do?

Should you give up on him? Certainly No!

Jesus is the answer, but most times we want to use Him to solve the wrong questions. In some times, we only see Him in prayer and not in work; In other times, we combine Him with outdated methods. In extreme cases, we just try Him for trying sake. In some cases, He waits to see if we love Him more than the answers we seek.

Every need of man does not answer to prayer ; even if it did, our generation have perceived prayer as a shortcut to every answer. We have reduced every line of scripture to a prayer point. I still think that if prayer answers to every need of man, the prayer band of your church would probably pull the highest traffic of committed members.

Am I saying that prayer is not effective? Capital No! Some things goeth not except by prayer and fasting. In the same way, prayer is not the answer to physical hunger.

At the mention of the name of Jesus, food will not appear on your table, money will not appear in your pocket, you will not disappear from Nigeria and reappear in the US, a house will not appear for you to live in. Am I doubting God’s power? Capital No! God has an “I can” nature. He is not a magician anyway. He is a principled God. I am rather confronting a lazy soul who thinks that Jesus is his problem.

Is Jesus silent on your case? He probably has given you what it takes to handle it:

“behold, I give you power to ride on snakes and scorpions”

Use what you have been given!
then, carry yourself like an authority. Power intoxicates. Stop reducing your life to a misery. Jesus is more than your lunch that you are not sure of where it will come from. Stop using Him, Serve Him no matter what happens! He is your God, not your boy! Grow in the Faith and in knowledge. Be convinced that when you can’t hear Him audibly, His presence is with you to help you go through your dark seasons of life without defeat. Some answers don’t come easily. Knowing the right formula to use does not always mean that the answer will just appear without some more work.

In the end, the answer you need will appear, and you will look back and see Jesus in the process.

Write me if need be. WhatsApp /sms: 08067499014


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