PRECIOUS SEEDS 005 By Godwin ‘Captain’ Kalu

Keep speaking until you become a voice. Keep walking until you discover the best path.

Keep soaring until you are mistaken for an eagle. Company with great minds until you are perceived to be great man.

The worst thing that can happen to a man on a journey is to stop in the middle of the road, on the rough road where anything goes.

Until you value the picture of your future, you will agree to dump it in the bin for crumbs.

Walking in your purpose may not be the most comfortable decisions you will ever take in life, but there is life on that line of decision. It pays better if you can persist through.

Most times, it is not what you have done that will make the difference but what you are doing and are willing to continue doing that tightens your audacity to aim at the future.

Don’t compare your future with your past. Success is in phases. The past accommodated the first step. The first step cannot be the only step in the school of success. Flex your muscles on fresh pedestals. If you have done the first, pursue the next.

Rise up!  Start from anywhere. Everyday is a new day for a new step.

I believe in you!


“Shooting up a healthy generation with inspiring wisdom seed of God’s word”

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