PRECIOUS SEEDS 008 By Godwin ‘Captain’ Kalu


The butterfly was God’s idea yet, God didn’t make you a butterfly

As beautiful as the flowers are, God didn’t think of making you a flower

Imagine if you were a mosquito!

It’s easier to wish that you were Aliko Dangote’s grandson. It is easier to curse your root because you were not born into a silver spoon family. It’s easier to question what your Dad was doing when his mates were making impact in their time.

If you were a mosquito:

– Would you have had the mouth to blame God for your misfortune?

– Would you have had the fingers to point at your background?

– Where would you have been by now? Maybe you would have been the one mosquito I dealt with last night.

We often don’t like thinking on this extreme but rather agree to think that God cheated on us by putting us in some kind of kernel-breaking families.

Friend, God is fair to all. If He started you in a poor background, He knows that you can still hit the finishing line celebrating. If He started you in a rich background, He probably had forseen that you wouldn’t have endured through to the finishing line the other way round.

Glory not in your wealth; there is a race ahead of you. To stay in that wealth, run the race. Weep not in your dryness; there is also a race starring at you. To create your wealth, run that race.

Be grateful! not because you are the richest man on earth; not because you have had the best of opportunities but because you are on your way to better days. Thank God that there are still silver spoons to buy and hand over to your children.

If there is nothing else to thank God for, thank Him that at least, you were not a mosquito.

Happy weekend!
I believe in you



“Shooting up a healthy generation with inspiring wisdom seed of God’s word”

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