He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Ps23: 3a

You become what you are yoked to. It is a fundamental biblical principle. You achieve the same results as the one to whom you are yoked. If you are yoked to healing minister, you become a healing minister. If you are yoked to a kingdom financier, you become a kingdom financier. That is pretty obvious.


Why does the Shepherd yoke his sheep in this Psalm? He wants the sheep to attain the same results as the shepherd. He wants the sheep to become the shepherd. He wants to transfer his attributes and this can only be done through a yoke and a taskmaster.


The story is told of  young lawyer who was struggling in his practice. He had no clients and was on the verge of closing down. He decided to meet his father’s friend (his mentor) for advice before quitting the practice. It happened that this family friend was a retired Chief Justice (CJ) of the country. He was given an appointment for a Monday evening. On the day of the appointment, the young lawyer came in rather early and the retired CJ was just about going out for a walk. He asked the young man to join him. As they walked round the neighbourhood, they talked about every other thing but what mattered most to the struggling lawyer – his failing business. Eventually the retired CJ asked him to come back in a week’s time and they will discuss that issue.


The following week, a perplexed young man stood before the retired Chief Justice and demanded to know what he had done to him or if he spoke to anyone. The elderly man said he never spoke to anyone. “Then how come my business became transformed overnight in just one week? I have more clients that I can even handle.” 


The judge smiled. “That evening when I took you round the neighbourhood, I rubbed my influence on you and people began to see you as they see me. They believe what I can do, you can do.”

That is the power of the yoke worn with the right person on the right path. The struggling lawyer was transformed into a success because he took a walk with the right person. No wonder Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matt 11:29,30 (KJV)


Lord, I know you said your burden is light, but it is still a burden for me. Please help me bear mine and achieve the same results as you. Amen.


DeepWords Devotional

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