“And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also” 2 Tim. 2:2 (KJVL).

Foundation Text: 1 Tim. 3:1-7


Knowledge is power, and I believe it. What you know that others do not know makes you a master in any field. This is what informs workplace hierarchy. In the academia for instance, you have different categories of people. You have the students and the lecturers. Among the students, there are some that are more knowledgeable than others. Among the lecturers, you have those with M.sc, PhD and the Professors. All these are based on their different levels of acquired knowledge.

In the secular setting, you see that people try to intimidate others because they are supposedly more knowledgeable. They hoard what they know for fear of being out-shined by others. Most of these people do not have protégés, just because they do not want to pass on what they know. In most tertiary educational institutions today, the Lecturer-Student relationship is a big sham. Lecturers end up intimidating students to the point that the latter is scared of learning from the former. God will definitely help us in this regard. This is not my interest today. However, I started on this note to bring this anomaly to light.

Before now, there was a concept of Master-Servant relationship that existed. A master gets one servant, tutors and grooms him on the things that needs to be known. The master invests resources to ensure that the servant is well knowledgeable. The master ensures that the servant learns all there is to learn. He is not doing all that because he has special love for that servant. On the contrary, he is teaching that servant so the servant can step down what he knows to other servants and save the master the trouble of haven to teach every single servant.

As a servant of God, whatever he teaches you is not for you alone. It is not for you to carry yourself about as the Master’s delight. God teaches you so you can teach others. The reason Jesus did all the teaching He did with his disciples is so they can learn from him. When he was about to leave, he gave them the great commission which part of it is to teach (Matt. 28:20).

I like to say this: if you are not ready to teach what you have learnt, you are not ready to serve. The more you serve the Lord, the more experience you gather. It is expected that you pass on these experiences to others who might not be as experienced as you are. It is an anomaly when there is no one to fill in for you when you are not around. I know you are tempted to tell me that it makes you relevant. Well, I am bursting your bubbles today. There is no hierarchy of relevance in God’s service. Seeking for relevance in the service of God is an aberration.

Finally I want you to understand that teaching does not make you any less knowledgeable, rather it gives you a platform to learn more. If you have so much that you know and you hoard it to your grave, well it will matter to nobody. But if you are a teacher, your impact will speak long after you are gone. Take that decision to teach what you know and God will expose you to more knowledge.  

If this message blessed you, you are free to share it with anybody or group.

Stay blessed.
(Transforming the World through the Word)

UNKILLABLE By Aleele Paago

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. 1 Pet 5:8-9 (KJV)

When satan secured permission from God to deal with Job, the only exemption that God gave was JOB. Every other person was easy prey for the devil. The hedge was removed from everyone: from his wife to the rat in his house. Everyone could be taken and killed – heaven has removed the protection. So why did some servants escape death?


Peter says the devil as a lion “seeks” that means even though all the sheep and the animals are outside, yet not all are devourable. Not all are killable. Not all are destructible. I don’t know on which side you belong.   


How do you explain that everyone is in a building when it collapses and only one person escapes unhurt? Satan did not need to spare a servant to go send the news to Job. Bad news travels fast and sooner or later, Job will know about his loss. Every single servant that escaped the disaster that struck Job’s household that day, met a set of conditions clearly revealed in the bible. They were indestructible. While Job’s children had taken the God of their father for granted and will wait for Job to worship on their behalf, these poor slaves, these houseboys and girls who had no hope anywhere else, decided to take Job’s God as their God. They knew God for themselves. The bible is clear – They that know their God shall be bold and shall do exploits. Escape from destruction is one such exploit. The power is in the knowing of YOUR GOD.


The devil can’t take some of us. Let him roar the much he wants. Let him bring the storm from all four corners of the world or cause fire to fall from heaven. Let him send thieves and killers and set accidents on the road. Let him threaten with divorce, or poverty or whatever else he has. The God that exempts from the calamity that befalls all shall exempt you.


You cannot be devoured! Roar it if you believe it!


© Survivor

DeepWords Devotional

PRECIOUS SEEDS 015 By Godwin ‘Captain’ Kalu

Most of the things we often feel lazy to do are the things that will move our lives forward.

I woke up this morning and didn’t feel like leaving the bed but I needed to be at work. So, I forced myself up without pitying my feelings. My love for the bed died immediately I found out what next to do and responded to it.

Life is not lived by feelings but by decisions. Feelings are conquered by decisions. Let’s be sincere: there are times we don’t feel like going to work, or praying or studying, or going for lectures, or washing and so on.
But we can’t continue to risk our progress to our feelings.

Excuses are powerful when they have the support of your feelings. “You can always shift things to suit the way you feel” . That’s what an excuse preaches.

It’s a good day!
Do the needful!
Spare no excuses!


“Shooting up a healthy generation with inspiring wisdom seeds of God’s word”