PRECIOUS SEEDS 016 By Godwin ‘Captain’ Kalu

ME , MYSELF and I……

This is a popular phrase. Some persons have used it to imply at certain times that in life, they are their everything. The sound of it can mean that there is a limit in our lives that should shut others out. I am still reasoning this out anyway. It can be true but I didn’t say so. Why should I give ears to the needs of another when mine are starring at my face?

If you had an opportunity to put a smile on three faces today, who would the three people be?

“Me, myself and I”?

Success is a reality that thrives under the culture that accommodates and reaches out liberally to other people. When your heart is moved by the tears and pains of others so that you can’t just leave them like that without a helping hand, you are a successful man needing time to be processed. Stingy people can’t survive the future. Heartless people can’t attract true greatness. True greatest is sustained by service.
“Must I always help people”?

I’m sure your problem is that you are not so buoyant for that. Well, success is first a mentality. How you respond to the needs of others in your mind will affect how you react to them in the physical.

What runs through your mind the moment someone knocks on your door for an assistance? Do you see your list of broken down appliances that needs to be fixed or do you allow compassion for the person soak your heart? God blesses those that respond to the burdens of others in love. You can’t help everybody at the same time in the same way, but nobody should pass through your door without coming alive with fresh hope that the earth is still the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. You may not have all the money to give them. Also give direction. Give assistance. Give information. Complement with helpful recommendation and contacts. Be concerned!

It’s a good day! Be a blessing.


“Shooting up a healthy generation with inspiring wisdom seeds of God’s word”



Who has prayed and not got an answer?   Am not asking the usual rhetorical questions that seek to prove that all prayers are always answered.  


I am looking for the real man and woman whose request has been turned down over and again by heaven. Yes, you lost the pregnancy once again. Yes, he walked out of your life and married someone else. Yes, you were not given the job. Yes, you did not pass the examination and it is not because you did not study hard enough. I am looking for the real person who has real questions for heaven.


If you have followed God long enough, then you must have come to that point yourself, when you get the dreaded silent answer from heaven. It is at moments like this that religion tells you, “oh, you didn’t pay your tithe that’s why …”  or , you haven’t prayed enough, or the generational sins… Honestly we can never argue with religion because these things are true and they do happen.


Elijah led a great national revival and the next day he prayed that God should kill him. He got a resounding silence from God. When God finally spoke it was a resounding “NO”. Do you know why?


Heaven had a better answer. Rather than kill Elijah, he was adopted into heaven without seeing death! For God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ever ask.


God is set to break the rules that is why your prayer has not been answered. He is set to give you an answer you could never imagine. How on earth could Elijah have imagined that he will not die? Uhm… what was it you were believing God for?


Eph 3:20-21  Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

  Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.


You are next in line! You are a survivor…


© Survivor

DeepWords Devotional

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