“Do not drink too much wine, because that will cause bad things. It will stop you ruling yourself properly. But instead, let God’s Spirit fill you” Eph. 5:18 (EET).

Foundation Text: 1 Tim. 3:1-7


We are back here again. The last time I treated this issue of drinking wine, the response and feedback was amazing. Please there is a caveat: the wine in this context is any alcoholic drink. Haven said that, we can move forward. I will still throw pointers to some things I said before. The only difference this time is the purpose of this episode. The other time I treated this was to address a misconception, but this time, I am dealing with something deeper.

There is a question I have heard a lot of people ask, I believe you too have asked and I am not an exception. Should a servant of God take alcoholic drinks? Interestingly, any side of the answer you chose to take is okay. If you say a servant of God should take alcoholic drinks, you are right. If you say a servant of God should not take alcoholic drinks, you are right as well. It all depends on your personal relationship with God.

The drinking of alcohol should not form moral arguments amongst servants of God, in my opinion though. It is very distracting and should be given little or no priority. I think what we should be dealing with is the addiction or the excessive intake of it. If you believe servants of God should take alcohol, then there has to be moderation. That is what the Bible teaches.
We should not be so given to alcohol that we lose control of ourselves. If you must take alcoholic drinks, let the purpose be well defined and prescription followed (for medical cases). There is no doubting it that excessive intake of alcohol can be intoxicating and lead to losing control of oneself. I can boldly testify to what excessive intake of alcohol can do.

Remember we said earlier that the servant of God must have good sense of judgement. This cannot be achieved under the influence of alcohol. I admonish us today to pay more attention to the filling and leading of the Spirit of God, rather than losing our minds to irrelevant things like alcohol. 
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Stay blessed.
(Transforming the World through the Word).

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