PRECIOUS SEEDS 017 By Godwin ‘Captain’ Kalu

… Who am I not to?

I have supposed friends that know everything. They call for help yet they turn around to make you wonder whether they truly needed help from you and not vice versa.

You mention “A” and when you ask them to repeat “A” they  already fly to “P” and you begin to wonder, “so they knew all these!”

You say, “Jack” and they quickly add “Robinson” without allowing you to land safely.

Behold what manner of people that live around us! I’m sure that you have encountered them too. They hardly admit that they are knowing some things for the first time. They lack the patience and the discipline of listening to teachers and mentors. They would tell you, “yes, I’ve always known this and that” when in reality they know nothing. They lack teachability. They lift off discussion from the mouth of their mentors and run their mouth as though they were typewriters, out-talking their mentors without a given privilege.

In my case, I would often wonder, “since they already knew these things, of what use was their knocking on my door?”.

Teachability affects accessibility. There are good things you can’t access until humility becomes your lifestyle. The grace for learning is only accessible to the humble. It takes humility to learn, unlearn and relearn. It takes humility to submit to someone whom you are older than. That is the way up.

Today is a good day!
Knock off pride.
Pray for the spirit of humility.
God gives grace to the humble.


“Shooting up a healthy generation with inspiring wisdom seeds of God’s word”

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