A great warrior and conqueror, Nebuchadnezzar took the world by storm. It was under his leadership that Babylon rose to its greatest height – the fame, the wealth, the power – of his kingdom was uncontested.

God showed this idol worshipper what heaven has decreed concerning him. The revelation was vivid. He remembered every single detail. He recognised that the  main actors of the dream came from heaven – not from his own deities. And Daniel gave him a very detailed explanation of the dream.

He was going to lose his throne, his kingdom, his grandeur. Through wisdom, Daniel counselled him that he can avert this crisis by repenting from his sins and showing mercy to the poor. As it usually happens, the effect of the dream waned off and 12 months later, Nebuchadnezzar started to brag about his greatness.

At that moment, God took away his mind, and gave him the mind of an animal. The great king was deposed immediately. He left the palace and dwelt in the forests. He ate grass like goat and his hair grew like feathers. He lived like a chimpanzee for seven years.

He lost everything. He lost his throne. He lost his palace, his kingdom, his fame, his wealth, and his mind. I don’t know what you have lost. Is it a job? A child? A parent? A spouse? An opportunity? Your health? Your education?

The devil may have taken these from you. But at the fullness of time, there shall be a restoration. Even though everyone knew the King was mad and living in a bush, no one could kill him. The weather could not kill him, even though he had no blankets. The wild beasts could not kill him though he had no weapons. That is the hand of Jehovah. He will protect the things you cannot defend

He will restore to you the years the cankerworm has eaten. He will restore your throne, your virginity, your marriage, your joy. He will at the scent of water.

For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease.  Job 14:7

You are a survivor!


DeepWords Devotional

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