“However, the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceful, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy” James 3:17 (ISV).

Foundation Text: 1 Tim. 3:1-7


“The kingdom of God suffereth violence and only the violent takes is by force”. You are familiar with this quotation right? You have used it literally before, haven’t you? Stop trying to run it off, you know what I am talking about. Before you continue with that sanctimonious hypocrisy, just know that I am also as guilty as charged. As a matter of fact, I have listened to countless preachers use it in messages that has to do with anger. Do not get it twisted, you have the right to be angry but you must not get violent about it.

Often times, a lot of people use this quotation to justify their violent and haughty nature. I am not overlooking the fact that some people have violent tendencies, but that still does not justify violence. It is a weakness that needs God’s help and not an issue to brag about. I do not know how best to share what the Holy Spirit is laying in my heart, but I trust He will explain it better in your heart.

I have seen Pastors pull their clerical collars and fight members in Church. It does not mean that God has not called them, but there is a violent tendency that God needs to deal with. I am always careful to talk about Pastors, meanwhile my dad is one. I only point out some of these flaws to help both Pastors and those who are serving God in any capacity, including myself.

I would have loved to share with us some keys to overcoming your violent nature, but I will deal with that in subsequent series. However, irrespective of whatever stepped down keys I will share, the ultimate solution is in Gal. 5:16: “So, this is what I am saying to you. Live by the power that God’s Spirit gives. And let him lead you. Then you will not do any wrong things that, as a human person, you may sometimes want to do” (EET). As you yield yourself to the leading of God’s Spirit, God will help you overcome your violent tendencies in Jesus name, Amen.

If this message blessed you, you are free to share it with anybody or group.

Stay blessed.

(Transforming the World through the Word)

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