UNKILLABLE By Aleele Paago

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. 1 Pet 5:8-9 (KJV)

When satan secured permission from God to deal with Job, the only exemption that God gave was JOB. Every other person was easy prey for the devil. The hedge was removed from everyone: from his wife to the rat in his house. Everyone could be taken and killed – heaven has removed the protection. So why did some servants escape death?


Peter says the devil as a lion “seeks” that means even though all the sheep and the animals are outside, yet not all are devourable. Not all are killable. Not all are destructible. I don’t know on which side you belong.   


How do you explain that everyone is in a building when it collapses and only one person escapes unhurt? Satan did not need to spare a servant to go send the news to Job. Bad news travels fast and sooner or later, Job will know about his loss. Every single servant that escaped the disaster that struck Job’s household that day, met a set of conditions clearly revealed in the bible. They were indestructible. While Job’s children had taken the God of their father for granted and will wait for Job to worship on their behalf, these poor slaves, these houseboys and girls who had no hope anywhere else, decided to take Job’s God as their God. They knew God for themselves. The bible is clear – They that know their God shall be bold and shall do exploits. Escape from destruction is one such exploit. The power is in the knowing of YOUR GOD.


The devil can’t take some of us. Let him roar the much he wants. Let him bring the storm from all four corners of the world or cause fire to fall from heaven. Let him send thieves and killers and set accidents on the road. Let him threaten with divorce, or poverty or whatever else he has. The God that exempts from the calamity that befalls all shall exempt you.


You cannot be devoured! Roar it if you believe it!


© Survivor

DeepWords Devotional

PRECIOUS SEEDS 015 By Godwin ‘Captain’ Kalu

Most of the things we often feel lazy to do are the things that will move our lives forward.

I woke up this morning and didn’t feel like leaving the bed but I needed to be at work. So, I forced myself up without pitying my feelings. My love for the bed died immediately I found out what next to do and responded to it.

Life is not lived by feelings but by decisions. Feelings are conquered by decisions. Let’s be sincere: there are times we don’t feel like going to work, or praying or studying, or going for lectures, or washing and so on.
But we can’t continue to risk our progress to our feelings.

Excuses are powerful when they have the support of your feelings. “You can always shift things to suit the way you feel” . That’s what an excuse preaches.

It’s a good day!
Do the needful!
Spare no excuses!


“Shooting up a healthy generation with inspiring wisdom seeds of God’s word”

PRECIOUS SEEDS 014 By Godwin ‘Captain’ Kalu


A major roadblock to success is poor mentality. How a man thinks can affect the results he sees in life.

Quality thinking is a needed recipe for quality living.
Focussed thinking can stir up any dimension of desired life. Strategic thinking can move your life forward from stagnation.

Don’t ask me what a staircase is doing in the sky. Only creative thinkers can crack the nut. When your mind is up, you have no business going down. Until your thoughts go up, your life cannot go up.

Your success depends on your healthy thoughts to happen. Your life attracts what your mind accommodates. Life stinks where men fail to think.

The way across the hurdles of life is to carefully rise up in your mentality. Use your mind. Upgrade your thoughts life. See what others are too busy to see. See what others are too distracted to see. Get creative! No matter where you are today on the scale of frustration, your mental creativity can lift you above that level. The God that answers prayers also answers imaginations (Eph. 3:20)

Friend, it’s a good week! Conquer it wisely. Clear the way. Shift the roadblock. Think forward!

“Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse” (Philippians 4:8 Msg)


“Shooting up a healthy generation with inspiring wisdom seeds of God’s word”


He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Ps23: 3a

You become what you are yoked to. It is a fundamental biblical principle. You achieve the same results as the one to whom you are yoked. If you are yoked to healing minister, you become a healing minister. If you are yoked to a kingdom financier, you become a kingdom financier. That is pretty obvious.


Why does the Shepherd yoke his sheep in this Psalm? He wants the sheep to attain the same results as the shepherd. He wants the sheep to become the shepherd. He wants to transfer his attributes and this can only be done through a yoke and a taskmaster.


The story is told of  young lawyer who was struggling in his practice. He had no clients and was on the verge of closing down. He decided to meet his father’s friend (his mentor) for advice before quitting the practice. It happened that this family friend was a retired Chief Justice (CJ) of the country. He was given an appointment for a Monday evening. On the day of the appointment, the young lawyer came in rather early and the retired CJ was just about going out for a walk. He asked the young man to join him. As they walked round the neighbourhood, they talked about every other thing but what mattered most to the struggling lawyer – his failing business. Eventually the retired CJ asked him to come back in a week’s time and they will discuss that issue.


The following week, a perplexed young man stood before the retired Chief Justice and demanded to know what he had done to him or if he spoke to anyone. The elderly man said he never spoke to anyone. “Then how come my business became transformed overnight in just one week? I have more clients that I can even handle.” 


The judge smiled. “That evening when I took you round the neighbourhood, I rubbed my influence on you and people began to see you as they see me. They believe what I can do, you can do.”

That is the power of the yoke worn with the right person on the right path. The struggling lawyer was transformed into a success because he took a walk with the right person. No wonder Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matt 11:29,30 (KJV)


Lord, I know you said your burden is light, but it is still a burden for me. Please help me bear mine and achieve the same results as you. Amen.


DeepWords Devotional

PRECIOUS SEEDS 013 By Godwin ‘Captain’ Kalu


What was he really thinking of when he took the first step; When he decided to run through and not freeze in fear; when he decided to ignore the voices of onlookers just to dare a journey others were afraid to even imagine?

I heard a voice telling him, “you can get to the other side. You can find your feet on a pathway; just stay focussed” .

How do you feel when you don’t have the crowd backing you; when your destination matters to you more than to others; When others just stay by the side to tell you, “what if a stone fails?” 

Success is a risk!

The spirit of success rises when we look beyond a fall, when our passion swallows up our fears; when we look ahead; when we look out for stepping stones in the midst of seemingly frightening scenes.

Hear the language of success: “even if I fall, I will still start. I will keep running and not withdraw. I pledge my energy and zest; I sow in my strength and courage; I go alone where others retreat. Even if I fall, I may only get drowned but I am however a hero on my journey to a determined end. I just can’t die wishing; my destination is worth my determination.

It’s saturday!
A good day to stay determined.


“Shooting up a healthy generation with inspiring wisdom seed of God’s word”

PRECIOUS SEEDS 012 By Godwin ‘Captain’ Kalu

It’s a good Friday!

What a name it is for one friday that turned the Joy of many to bitterness; that sent sadness across the depths of the earth. What a gloomy day, when a mother watched her 33 year old son hooked up to a cross! Tell me how good a Friday it was?

Widows were spotted shedding real tears, refusing to be comforted. The hope of the hopeless was almost lifeless on the cross. The pains, the agony, the excruciating passion was terribly unbearable. I can’t forget the night before now where He cried blood out.  If it were that good, won’t He have been celebrating?

The poor were about to miss a defender. The widows couldn’t stand the travail of their comforter. He was a man of the lowly acquainted with grief. He was a friend of the sinners.

At the top of their voices the wagon of religious bigots  screamed:  “Crucify Him Pilate, crucify him” yet He had no fault in Himself.

“Ohh! only if this cup had passed away”, people pitied Him. “What a good man He is. Why is the world this wicked”, others shared their concerns.

In a short while, the cross was up, but not without some aggressive beating. He cried, yet they mercilessly shredded his skin. “That’s my Lord”, Mother Mary screamed. It was just sour. While we thought that they’ll give Him some breathing space, one heartless guy reached out for some sharp thorns and forced it into His head and before long, his sides were pierced with the sword.

See my Lord raised up among the thieves. He was a public display of the sins of the whole world. That was my place He took. That was my shame He bore. Is this the good Friday? Then, it was a bloody Friday.

In a little while, He wasn’t breathing anymore. While others were still mocking Him with their mouths, unknown to them, the Good part was already starting, happening and settled. The journey to redemption was finished! That was the good part.  It was in the purpose of the cross. The process didn’t sound Good.

The good part was in the testimony not in the test. Imagine a world without that good Friday! You can as well imagine a world without salvation.

This is the good part: “eyes hath not seen, neither hath ears heard. It has not entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared to them that love Him” (1 Cor. 2:9). That was the price that Jesus paid.

Another Good part is that till today, Satan is regretting ever stirring up Judas to betray his master for that 30 miserable pieces of silver. (1 Cor. 2:8). Satan is ever wishing that good friday never happened. The devil didn’t understand that all things work together for good to them that love God.

What a Good Friday!

– That ended all the ceremonial laws of Moses and established grace to our perfection.

– That qualified humanity for the testament or covenant or the will of God. This is how I know that you can’t remain in the captivity of the Satan. Jesus, the testator made a public show of the devil. He died for your testament to be activated. You are fully qualified in Christ to access what Jesus paid for on the cross.

Are you in any painful season of your life? Permit me to congratulate you. It’s your good Friday. The good in the pains is a revelation of the  testimony ahead of you. After this mockery shall come your testimony. After this misery shall come your ministry. After this cross shall come your crown. It won’t be long, the holes in your palms will be a testimony to new level.

Again I say, Thank God its GOOD FRIDAY!


“… Shooting up a healthy generation with inspiring/ wisdom seeds of God’s word”.

****Please share*******

PRECIOUS SEEDS 011 by Godwin ‘Captain’ Kalu

These Lions respect grace!

Their confidence was in their Lions. Their pride was in their den. Humans became meat for the merciless Lions. Wild jubilation greeted the faces of those hungry Lions.

When the Lion roars, the jungle wakes up. Men tremble and kings quake.

Never in a time had the Lions seen food and lost appetite; not when they were starved just for this purpose. Daniel, the servant of the living was to be the victim this time around. While men gave him up to the Lions, God gave the Lions up to him. If he had wanted those Lions dead, nothing would have stopped that from happening. He rather showed them mercy.

The Lions saw him coming but started rehearsing a welcome song for him. They made him a special bed with a baby Lion as the pillow. They manned a special guard of Lions for his security and they cried the next morning when he was about to leave the den begging him to return again. These Lions respect Grace!

Some men are not eatable! These are men that God has inscribed His grace upon. The devil sees them approaching and quickly veers through another direction. They are too defended by the angels of God.

You are one of such generals. No devil can eat you. No Lion can waste you. No satanic principality can end your life.

It’s a good day for you! Make progress despite resistances.

I believe in you!


“Shooting up a healthy generation with inspiring wisdom seed of God’s word”

PRECIOUS SEEDS 010 By Godwin ‘Captain’ Kalu

As sincere as the snail!

I just love the snail.
Don’t pound me yet until I tell you again that many people are not as sincere as the snail.

If you doubt me, I’ll take you on a short walk!

The snail is not in competition with the horse. That will be a waste of its priority and time. The snail’s problem is not that the horse left it behind. The snail operates within the best of its capacity and it is not threatened by the speed of a horse, after all, not all that run with the speed of a horse make it in life.

Until you understand your race, you might waste your energy thinking that anybody that is ahead of you in life is in competition with you.

“How fast can you run?”

Some times, this may not be the best question to consider when evaluating success but rather, how well can you run assuming that you can take your eyes off people and focus your attention on yourself, endowment and capacity?

No matter how best the snail can fake, it can’t match the horse in speed and function. This tells me that in life, your configuration determines your function. Even if the snail were to be fast, it would be useless; we don’t need it for war. Usain Bolt might be the fastest in sprint race, but not when he is in competition with a Cheetah.

Certainly, you can’t be like everybody. Find your motivation within and run at the peak of your endowment. The snail’s speed is not a weakness. After all, where is it running to? However, it is more profitable than a lazy man’s excuse. We are not all running the same race of destiny but we will all give account to our God someday according to how we sincerely used our inner deposits. God will not ask you why you didn’t sing as Yolanda Adams.

Insincerity is when you lock up your snail speed just because the horse is running his race on his lane. Ungratefulness is when you question God for your tiny legs just because a neighbour intimidates you with her hot legs. Failure is when you bury your seemingly substandard abilities just because you don’t want to be laughed at.

You are more that you can fathom. That’s all I care for. Everyday is another opportunity to look inwards to discover what  I have been endowed with to face the outwards.

Today is a good day to look inwards!

Begin now!


“Shooting up a healthy generation with inspiring wisdom seed of God’s word”

PRECIOUS SEEDS 009 By Godwin ‘Captain’ Kalu

Many believers don’t know how to reply the devil. They sneak into holes when the devil sneezes. That’s all that Satan needs to see in them in order to maintain his authority over them.

Our greatest threat is not the existence of the devil. He bows to a superior authority. The devil only maintains charge over the people he bounds. Expose the devil and his works with the  knowledge of light from the word of God. Take advantage of every opportunity the devil sneezes to remind him that Jesus publicly disgraced him at Calvary.

1000 coffins in the dream cannot scare a Worded believer. He knows how to reply the devil with the evidence of the cross of Jesus. There are dreams that I can never have. They can’t survive my realm. Any demon that appears in my dream is a mistake. He gets it hot from me that day. I’m seated with Christ in the heavenly places far above principalities. Satan can’t sit there. I have direct access to the mind of Christ. I know how miserable the devil will end. I can rather tell his future more than he knows. I am unstoppable.

That’s the truth that sets men free!

The devil can do anything to keep a Christian away from the word of God. He is comfortable around a believer that does not have the word of God in his spirit. When men lack the word of God, they run around for solutions where they don’t probably exist. They go scouting for healing but come back possessed with a demon. Satan can torment anybody who gives him the room.

To enjoy life, be more than a Christian; Know the truth. Revelation is the key to pleasure. The last time I fell sick was in 2008. Revelation in God’s word has kept me these 7 years without headache. Presently, I am not aware that sickness exists. My mentality now runs with that conviction. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Where will the sickness stay? As I get wild in revelation, sickness avoids my address.

I can succeed on top of a shrine. So you can! I can still produce result inside a demonic circle. Cain was cursed by God himself yet the next time we heard about him, we were told that he built a city. Satan is too small to stop my blessing.
Inside famine, Isaac still sowed and prospered. Inside the Lions’ den, Daniel was in charge. Inside the Prison, Joseph was the baba. Esther the slave girl became the madam at the top. Jesus went to hell and collected the keys of life and death from Satan. No demonic pot can contain me. I am too Christ-like to be oppressed by the devil. If Jehovah Himself could change his mind because of Hezekiah then, the devil has long given up on me. I make Satan cry everyday. He is not important to my life.

Don’t envy me! That’s how you too should make him cry. When a greater light mantles your spirit, you will rule over the devil.

It’s a new week.


“Shooting up a healthy generation with inspiring wisdom seed of God’s word”

PRECIOUS SEEDS 008 By Godwin ‘Captain’ Kalu


The butterfly was God’s idea yet, God didn’t make you a butterfly

As beautiful as the flowers are, God didn’t think of making you a flower

Imagine if you were a mosquito!

It’s easier to wish that you were Aliko Dangote’s grandson. It is easier to curse your root because you were not born into a silver spoon family. It’s easier to question what your Dad was doing when his mates were making impact in their time.

If you were a mosquito:

– Would you have had the mouth to blame God for your misfortune?

– Would you have had the fingers to point at your background?

– Where would you have been by now? Maybe you would have been the one mosquito I dealt with last night.

We often don’t like thinking on this extreme but rather agree to think that God cheated on us by putting us in some kind of kernel-breaking families.

Friend, God is fair to all. If He started you in a poor background, He knows that you can still hit the finishing line celebrating. If He started you in a rich background, He probably had forseen that you wouldn’t have endured through to the finishing line the other way round.

Glory not in your wealth; there is a race ahead of you. To stay in that wealth, run the race. Weep not in your dryness; there is also a race starring at you. To create your wealth, run that race.

Be grateful! not because you are the richest man on earth; not because you have had the best of opportunities but because you are on your way to better days. Thank God that there are still silver spoons to buy and hand over to your children.

If there is nothing else to thank God for, thank Him that at least, you were not a mosquito.

Happy weekend!
I believe in you



“Shooting up a healthy generation with inspiring wisdom seed of God’s word”