THE 7TH LOVER By Aleele Paago

John 4:17-18
The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

What will make a woman get married to six husbands?
Is it betrayal? Is it death? Is it just a sense of sexual adventure? The Bible gives us no clue. But we can be sure of one thing – this lady would have preferred to marry just one husband like others. She would have preferred a lovely home surrounded by her children but what most people take for granted she will never enjoy..

When you have married 5 husbands and is living with the sixth, we can conclude that you have experienced heartbreaks either from bereavement or divorce. If you are looking for a definition of a messed up life this was a perfect example.
Perhaps they called her names – husband snatcher, prostitute, good for nothing.

Perhaps you have been called names too. “are your mates still in their father’s house? Are you not supposed to be employed by this time? Six husbands and nothing to show for it. Perhaps for you it is not husbands but years. Six years and nothing to show. You say you are working but there is nothing to show for it. Or degrees and qualifications but nothing to show for.
Children and nothing to show.
Let’s face the truth. It is not for your lack of effort that you have not made it. This woman has given her best efforts to make her marriages work. But they all failed.

Until one ordinary day like today when Jesus showed up. He became the 7th lover. All others may have failed but not this one.

We don’t know what happened to the sixth marriage but we know the woman became a new person. From a ridiculed and rejected bed hopper she became a renowned evangelist whose message has been preached for over 2000 years.
We don’t know any of the men that took advantage of her but we know her. She is a bold survivor and so are you.
This too shall pass : pain lasts for a moment, shame lasts for a season but your victory shall be forever. Your testimony shall inspire generations unborn. You are the survivor.

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