
“In your patience you will gain your souls” Luke 21:19 (KJV 2000).

Foundation Text: 1 Tim. 3:1-7


Simple and straight forward, right? Maybe I should say no more on this and just save you the trouble of haven to read something you already know. Or maybe I should find out if you know that patience has different forms and applications. Now you are wondering “what on earth is he talking about?”. Well save your strength, I will help you.

Before now, I was like majority of the people reading this now that knows the different synonyms for patience; forbearance, long-suffering, sufferance, tolerance, endurance etc. But what I failed to realize was the different applications of these synonyms. I am going to take the next few paragraphs to highlight briefly the different applications of patience.

Patience can be seen as bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint. Did you get that last part? Patience goes beyond bearing pains and trials. I know you have been doing that, but there is more to it in the school of patience. The question is; have you been bearing your pains and trials without complaint? Now you see why you why you lose your cool even though you are bearing your pains and trials.

Patience is the ability to forbear under provocation or strain. I have come to realize that there are people whose job is to always test your patience. They will stop at nothing to see you lose your cool. Most times, it is really not to see the kind of person you are when you are provoked, but to relish the sight of seeing you act out of character. A patient man will keep his cool no matter how far you are strained.

Patience is not being hasty or impetuous. There is a difference between being hasty and being swift. Hasty men are most times inarticulate and end up crashing. On the other hand, swiftness is moving at a great speed. The movement is first articulated and initiated before speed comes. Hasty people are always impetuous. They will want to do anything to get what they want, including violence.

Now someone will ask me if it is possible to exhibit these traits. Well, the answer is yes. Patience is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. You can only bear that fruit if you yield yourself to the Holy Spirit.

Patient men are not cowards. On the contrary, they are winners, overcomers, champions and victorious people. Try patience and see how your life will turn out.

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Stay blessed.


(Transforming the World through the Word)