“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us” Rom. 8:37 (KJVL)

On the 16th of March 2010, Jose Mourinho returned to Stamford Bridge with Inter Milan for the second leg of the UEFA Champions League second round play-offs. He had a reputation of not losing at the bridge during his days as manager of Chelsea. The build up to the game was nothing short of confidence at beating Chelsea at Stamford Bridge, of course he had an impressive managerial record at the bridge. That night, Mounrinho’s Inter beat Chelsea at the Bridge. Mourinho did not win because Chelsea played badly, but his confidence intimidated the players of Chelsea and they gave away a goal that cost them the match (I am a Chelsea fan by the way).

The moral of this story is that your confidence in God can intimidate the enemy. If you understand that if God is on your side you will never lose, then you have the victory even when you have not drawn the sword. This is a spiritual reality that we use to enjoy a victorious life in Christ. If you doubt me, then ask the likes of Caleb (Josh. 14:6-15) and David (1 Sam. 17:32-50).

As you have prepared your heart to do battle, go with the mindset of a conqueror. Remember the battle is not yours, the battles is the Lord’s. He is the captain of this Army of God, of which you are a soldier. We will fight and be victorious, for the devil has fallen like lightening. Remember to fight a good fight of faith and be a good soldier. Do not be afraid, victory is assured.

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Stay blessed.       

(Transforming the World through the Word)

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DE 11: ELIJAH By Godwin Captain Kalu

The land gradually grew worse, and its people lacking regard for God. No day ever ended without a strange god introduced to our people. It almost became a fact that every home had a god somewhere hidden in their house which they secretly patronized while the bolder ones didn’t mind practising their idolatry in the open. The land indeed lacked regard for God and for His laws.
I kept wondering why God was silent on this matter; choosing just to watch from the bench while the King and his wife led the people astray. At least God had not forgotten how to make the ground open and swallow rebellious people neither had He forgotten in a hurry how He rewarded the land of Sodom and Gomorrah for their negligence of Him and deep practice of evil. In case you are new to the story, know that He set the land ablaze with its inhabitants not escaping. I soon realized that who to worship is a deliberate choice to make. The jealous God was patient enough at this.

The King had successfully turned the people’s heart against God. Of course, the last time any of God’s True servants had attempted to rebuke him, he didn’t live to see the next day. The queen had personally ordered his execution. At one time, I noticed that the true Prophets of God were no longer speaking the mind of God. They were afraid that the queen wouldn’t spare them. So, they ran away. The few that were a little bold ended up in Prison. Now, the queen was just the problem. Left alone for the King, he had soft spots but the queen had the heart of iron. At times, I kept wondering how this good man ended up with this agent of wickedness (Ohh! Did I just call her that?). How best can you describe a woman who imposed all her wicked decisions on her husband; that, not being healthy for his position as the King? She practically humiliated all his decisions as though she were the final authority in the land, turning her husband to a baby doll. Was that not how her wickedness saw to Bro. Naboth’s death? Chai, May his gentle soul find rest in God.
It wasn’t difficult to suspect that she had a hand in this sudden proliferation of baal and groves in the land.

Sooner, I sensed that God had planted me in their midst for a purpose So, I refused to bow to their service and idolatry. I grew wild and radical. I was the only Prophet that could stand before the king to rebuke him. My confidence came from the fact that I had a right standing before God. So, I said to myself: “if I can stand before God, then, I can stand before any man and circumstances”. With that conviction, I approached the King. By my words, I told him that no drop of rain will fall in the land except by my words. He thought I was joking and commanded me to get out of his presence before His wrath fell on me. I walked out provoked.

I saw God giving me a thumb’s up. The angels were clapping and this was fully connected to the fact that a man finally stood up for God, to condemn evil and to give the people a clear option of choice to make on whom to follow between God and Baal. Then, God spoke. As if He totally withdrew His hand from the land of Israel, He quietly told me to disappear from the King; to go into hiding at the brook, away from human sight and with a promise that for standing by Him, He has already placed a Raven under command to bring me meals in their right time. Ahhhh! The raven? I wondered. The raven for all I know had never been a good friend and has never seen food and not devour it. How God would use this greedy bird to prove a point was a puzzle I needed to figure out So, I hurriedly found my way to the brook.

1. True to God’s word the raven came calling in the morning and had to guard the bread and meat till I woke up. Never for a day did I wake up to ask: “Won’t food show up today”? Not even in the night as well. In all these, I was shocked that the raven knew it was food it was bringing to me yet, didn’t divert it to its use.

2. The raven couldn’t have met me in any other location than at the brook. That was God’s choice place for me and before God came to command me on where to go, He had first settled with the raven on where it should meet me with the provisions. Imagine if I had made another choice of place to run to? Then, I would have had to pay for my meals by myself.

3. The raven was not my best friend yet God used it to deliver me from perpetual hunger. I couldn’t have rejected God’s offer because it came from an enemy. Moreover, under the influence of Divine command, my enemy wished me well.

4. The brook was a place of fellowship with God. I was alone there but not lonely. God had me to Himself. I enjoyed Him at best.

Well, this was not the height of my encounter. Just a tea break please!. I’ll be back.

(To continue the story, read ELIJAH AND THE BROOK).


…  Creatively remodelling Biblical stories in contemporary light and with strong moral inferences.

“Like” my Facebook page: Captain365


“Put on the full amour of God so that so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” Eph. 6:11 (NIV).

If you are conversant with safety, you will know what PPE is. For the benefit of those that do not know, I will define it. PPE is a piece of equipment or clothing that is put on for a particular task after proper Job Hazard Analyses (JHA) have been done that protects the wearer from the adverse effect of an accident. In as much as PPE does not prevent accident from happening, it reduces to almost zero the chances of getting hurt.

In the last episode, I did a somewhat JHA on what we are up against on this battle ground. Destroying the stronghold of the devil in any place is not and will never be a ride in the park. I tried to get us acquainted with what this battle will bring to the table, especially if you are yet to get acquainted with happenings. The truth is that the risk is high, that is why as we engage in this battle, you need get yourself kitted and equipped for battle.

Here is a list of the required PPE for this task:

Belt of truth buckled round your waist.

Breastplate of righteousness.

Readiness to preach the gospel.

Shield of faith.

Helmet of salvation.

Sword of the spirit (The word of God).



With all these in place, you will never be a casualty on this battle ground

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Stay blessed.       

(Transforming the World through the Word)

Visit for fresh episodes of DRASTIC ENCOUNTERS.

Also visit every Monday to read your favourite TWS alongside poems from great poets.


“You need to be strong because we are not fighting against human enemies. No, but instead we are fighting against the rulers and the powerful spirits that have authority over this dark world. We are fighting against powerful bad spirits who live in the heavens” Eph. 6:12 (EET).

I am so in love with the way this translation explained this scripture. It is of utmost importance that you understand the conquest. You need to know the nature of the battle and perfectly understand the rules of engagement. If you are not properly informed about the battle on ground, you might end up becoming a casualty or liability.

It will be a dangerous path to thread if you think that any human being is the root cause of the problems you are encountering. In as much as the devil uses his demons through human agents, human beings are not our target in this battle. As a matter of fact, they are hostages that need to be rescued in the course of this battle.

Most of the people that are troubling you physically are booby traps. Sadly, a lot of Christian fall into these traps only to realize they have even given more room for the devil to mess them up. I am not saying you should not be careful with these human agents, but pay more attention to disarming the enemy from the source.

For those who are not aware, know this now: every platform you find yourself in is a battle ground. Never lose your focus at any time to avoid being a casualty. Remember, I am not saying this to scare you, but rather I want to build up faith in you to ensure that after the battle, we all will savour the victory God has given us.

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Stay blessed.       

(Transforming the World through the Word)

Visit for fresh episodes of DRASTIC ENCOUNTERS.

Also visit every Monday to read your favourite TWS alongside poems from great poets.


“Sound the alarm in Jerusalem! Raise the battle cry on my holy mountain! Let everyone tremble in fear because the day of the Lord is upon us” Joel 2:1 (NLT)

One of the strategies of victory on this battle ground is to be spiritually alert. Every soldier of Christ must be battle ready at all times. I am sick and tired of complaining about situations, it is high time we confronted that which has been confronting us.

We are taking the battle to the gates of the enemy. There is no retreat, there is no surrender! We are tired of staying silent and pretending that all is well or hoping that all will be well. It is time to FIGHT! This nonsense must stop! I do not know if you are as vexed in the spirit as I am. My spiritual morale is high, I do not know about you.

This episode is about building up morale and momentum. If your prayer life is shaking, you need to add more feed stock to it. Believe me, if you are under siege or your future is threatened, you will be able to understand well what I am saying. My prayer today is that God will give you grace to reactivate your spiritual sensitivity.

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Stay blessed.       

(Transforming the World through the Word)

Visit for fresh episodes of DRASTIC ENCOUNTERS and TOUCH THE SKY.

Also visit every Monday to read your favourite TWS alongside poems from great poets.


Earlier on in this series, I had advised that the Holy Spirit’s role in your life is not restricted to speaking in unknown tongues. That is a gross underutilisation of the power of God. You cannot live in an environment with so much challenges and problems and all you do day after day, night after night is to speak in tongues and bind demons! Right next door to you is an unbeliever, who is moved by the problems of his society to do something. He comes up with an invention to make life easier, cure a disease, or provide entertainment. Who do you think has blessed humanity more? Who do you think heaven is more interested in blessing? Oh, yes heaven will bless you because you are born again, but heaven will make the unbeliever richer and famous and as earth remains celebrated, because heaven delights in blessing the works of our hands.

I am tired of a brand of Christianity that has nothing to show for it. Christianity was not intended to be practiced in church halls on Sundays. The founder said, “Look, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves” Matt 10:16

Read it carefully, snake is a symbol of satan, wolves are eternal enemies of sheep. We are sent out to live our faith right in the face of the world. He said we should be as WISE as the serpent. Why then do we allow the children of the serpent to take the lead in inventions and business? We start by condemning the inventions, then when they have revolutionised society we shamefacedly embrace it. Heaven is tired of this. Heaven is looking for youths who will stand head to head in every field of human endeavour and demonstrate the power of Christ. It is not only in singing and dancing that we should excel.

C’mon! There is more to the Christian youth than that. The TV was invented by a Christian. The first artificial heart transplant surgery, the hearing aid, the traffic light, CD and DVD were all invented by people from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. What invention can you boast of from your own church? When will your youth fellowship move beyond dance and drama groups, to inventions and business youthprenuers? If you are a youth leader and you are not thinking in this direction, I suggest you bury your head in shame and cry until heaven gives you the vision of the role of the emerging Church in Nigeria. If you are serious about positioning your church and your youths for these new roles, DeepWords will gladly offer to have a session with you. It will be mind-blowing.

Let’s go beyond lip service. We must either impact or depart from the scene. Everyone has a role to play in this.  

God bless Nigeria. God bless Nigerian Christian youths.


DeepWords Devotional …proudly Nigerian confidently Christ-like

DE 10: ANDREW’S SIDE OF THE STORY By Godwin Captain Kalu

The day was as bright as usual. This was undoubtedly our third day away from home in what appeared to be more than a family get together. Different families were glued together for days. What some others who only watched from afar and didn’t get interested in joining us may have been thinking of was why people in their thousands could abandon their work and homes just to sit under one man, listening to his words? No matter what anybody might have been thinking, our stay together was however a wholesome experience. We so got filled with His sayings and words of wisdom that the slightest thing as what to eat didn’t get us bothered at all. Although I was one of His closest pals, I didn’t take that privilege for granted, I was as serious as every other person who had come to hear my master speak. In short, the blessing was for everyone. In the middle of the teaching, I was momentarily lost in sharp thoughts of what could happen if this large crowd of people were to be fed from one source. It amounted to an unimaginable huge budget. You can’t imagine that! In fact, the last time we took count of the crowd, we numbered about 5,000 men. We couldn’t even number the women and children. But then, assuming that a man married a minimum of 2 wives as was the case then according to the laws of the land and each wife giving birth to 4 children, this meant that each family must have had about 10 people (the men, not inclusive). So, multiplying 5000 men by 10 (2 wives and 8 children) could have implied that a minimum of 50,000 people were in attendance. Surprisingly, no one complained of not hearing my master’s voice despite the fact that there were no public address system by that time. Every one heard him equally at the same amplitude. Hmmmmm, His words were loud to every situation, viable and resounding. In the same words were different messages. No wonder there were no rowdy moments while He spoke.

I soon caught goose pimples when my master who seemed to have followed up what was going on in my thought asked us if we could get food anywhere to feed the crowd. At first, I was wondering what kind of temptation was this. Food? For 50,000 people? This sounded like a joke but not for the fact that we’ve known our master so much to the point where He can’t joke on issues as serious as this. Still, what he said was not of much meaning to others than it was to me, maybe because I earlier imagined it but then, the earth was silent. No idea was just sufficient to make something out. I expected that of course. In fact, our initial suggestion which was that we send this crowd home so they could make their food seemed to gain popularity. Already, the looks on Judas’ face suggested that the money in our treasury was not for food, not even to talk about food for a crowd as dense as that.

Just then, I sighted my neighbour’s son getting set to eat his lunch. It appeared he came ready to stay for as long as the crusade which had entered into its 3rd day would last. What a faith! No other person came with enough food. With style I walked closer to observe his bowl. I could picture 5 small loaves of bread and 2 lanky-looking fishes. What more could I have expected from a little boy’s food? I was already exchanging pleasantries with him, engaging him in an interesting discussion, So that he won’t start eating. I then told him to wait for me so as to get for him something that would make him enjoy the food more. You know children! He paused eating waiting for me to resurface.

In what appeared to be an uninteresting subject, I told my master that I had found just a boy among these mammoth crowd that came with his five loaves of bread and two fishes for lunch. However, it wasn’t sounding like an answered prayer to me. On a good day, it would take a meal as heavy as Pounded yam with goat sauce to satisfy me. Well, a hefty- sized 3 loaves of bread and 4 extra-large fishes could still hold me till the main course showed up. To my amazement, my master told me to get that boy together with his lunch. I was imagining how to put words together to convince this little boy who was already in the mood to devour his food to spare his lunch. From my experience, I’ve always known that an average child gets so attached to things. They never get tired receiving than releasing. I decided to try my luck and to my amazement, the boy gave out his all cheerfully and without murmuring. He was just excited. The thought of keeping some bread for himself didn’t cross his mind. He was ready to go hungry just to meet a need. What a faith for exploit!

I took the loaves of bread and the fishes from him and gave them to Jesus. While I was fretting, He was giving thanks. Sooner, He took a loaf and passed it to us to pass on to others. Surprisingly, the bread kept flowing in. The same happened with the fishes. We couldn’t explain where roasted fishes as well as baked bread were flowing in from. While lost in thoughts, it occurred to me that Jesus needed more than the bread and fishes. He needed but a point of contact. He knew what to do with the point of contact to generate massive result. Multiplication was wrapped in the Word provoked by thanksgiving. The testimony climaxed in a 12 basket load of bread and fishes as proofs that God releases more than needed, expected or imagined. I can imagine joy radiating in the boy’s family as 12 hefty baskets of food were pushed into their storehouse.

There are a million lessons to draw out from these encounter. Trust what revelation can produce, but for today, let’s beam our lights on our hero: “THE NAMELESS LITTLE BOY”. He’s already seated on the stage. I’m trusting God that we’ll re-visit this story from another perspective sometimes later.

Leadership Traits to Emulate:
(1) Readiness to serve: You have what the world needs; the size notwithstanding. If only you can release yourself and your gifts into the hands of Jesus, record breaking results are possible.

(2) Excitement: Be an excited giver. Giving under excitement reduces the pains you feel when giving out something precious. The joy that accompanies the gift of service is as important as the gift itself. Service pays when it is fuelled with an unusual excitement.

(3) Pay Prices: The boy paid the price of hunger to satisfy the current need. It’s difficult to pay higher prices when all we see is ourselves. Have a heart for your generation and you will wake up.

Search out the rest. See you later.


…  Creatively remodelling Biblical stories in contemporary light and with strong moral inferences.

“Like” my Facebook page: Captain365


‘“What do you mean ‘if I can’?’ Jesus asked. ‘Anything is possible if a person believes’” Mark 9:23 (NLT).

A lot of Christians live in doubt and fear today because they have not really understood the kind of God they serve. Are you scared of praying for the sick or preaching the gospel to that your neighbour, who is not born again? Are you scared of waging spiritual warfare against demons, whose assignment is to make your life miserable? Then you may not have fully understood the kind of God you are serving.

He is the impossibility specialist. The one with Him, nothing is impossible. He can raise the dead as if he is waking him from sleep. Oh, do you still not get it!

I need to stir up faith in you as I remind you of the battle that is going on. Soldiers of Christ are men of dangerous faith.

The devil is scared of any Christian who exercises dangerous faith and I will tell you why; a man of dangerous faith is not afraid of doing something out of the ordinary. He does not waver in the midst of the storm. Mountains move at his command. He puts God in a position where God has no option but to do grant his requests. My friend, nothing about you scares the devil more than that.

In this battle ground, you will encounter situations that will challenge and confront you. Do not be scared, only believe and you will see those mountains move for you.

PRAYER: Lord help me to always exercise my faith so I can be able to live in a world of possibility. In Jesus name. Amen!

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Stay blessed.       

(Transforming the World through the Word)

Visit for fresh episodes of DRASTIC ENCOUNTERS and TOUCH THE SKY.

Also visit every Monday to read your favourite TWS alongside poems from great poets.


“But the evil spirit told them, “Jesus I know, and I am getting acquainted with Paul, but who are you?” Acts 19:15 (ISV).

I have grown to link this scripture to that embarrassing moment when you try to fake the power of God knowing fully well you do not have it. This was exactly the case with the seven sons of Sceva. The truth is you cannot give what you do not have.

It will be a shameful thing that you keep on deceiving yourself only to be embarrassed by little demons. The secret of the exploits that Jesus and the apostles did was that they knew who they were and what they carried.

The other side to this question could be an antic of the devil to throw you off balance. This question could come at someone who truly knows and understands his place in God. This might be a gimmick to throw you off balance in the exercise of the authority that you have.

In this case, the solution is simple. Be bold and declare to the devil who and whose you are. In case he didn’t know, tell him. If he had forgotten, remind him. Do not lose sight of what you carry when the devil tries to confront or intimidate you with such questions.

On this battle ground, the devil has got to know that you are a soldier of Christ. Let whoever that cares to know or asks, know.

In case you are not sure of who you are, read 1 Pet 2:9.

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Stay blessed.       

(Transforming the World through the Word)

Also visit every Monday to read your favourite TWS alongside poems from great poets

EVE’S LOVE LETTER By Godwin Captain Kalu

My adorable star,
My pride and security.
The best among men.
The man of my dream.
My comfort, my king and friend.

On the marbles of my heart, the words in your expression well aligned travelled across every part of my heart. They descended deep into my soul to where I could not but preserve them eternally.

In your words I saw unbroken love; they were fire to my emotions, encouragement to my purpose, responsibility to my very essence and character. In them I saw pointers to my abilities. “What more do I want in a man?” I keep asking myself.  You are my world, my President, my hero, my best friend, my mentor, my everything.

Come on dearie! Feed me with more words; customize them only for my ears. I so love them. They are as fresh and reviving as ever.
They are like sugar to my soul.
(Adam laughs: “hahahaha”. “No be only sugar words, na sugar refinery”, He added jokingly).

“Dearie”, (Eve continued),  I’ve  never told you this before:

“Away in the garden I had watch you sleep. In the cool of the day you lay. In your closed eyes I read loneliness. In another thought, I saw a hardworking man who needed another baptism of strength.

“You are his surprise gift”, I heard in my spirit. I was already drawn to you but “how do I wake him up to tell him this?”  I said to myself passively.

“Should I dare wake him up or allow his sleep continue undisturbed?” Then again, I reasoned, “Why must I wake him up? Won’t I appear too cheap before him if I tried it?  I’m a precious gold. Gold is dug for and found. A man will mostly value the woman he found. So, I’ll discipline myself to stay where God has placed me, singing with my sweetest voice and when He wakes up, He should know what to do.

Passively I continued: “Should he not know what to do, I’ll keep doing what I know how to do and that is, staying where God has placed me and loving my assignment, being nice to whoever approaches me without forcing them to like me, after all, God didn’t tell me you were the only man on earth (starring directly into Adam’s eyes and winking).

While you were still sleeping deep, I quickly walked around the garden to see what it looked like and in few minutes, I was simply overwhelmed. Every sight was glamorous and every part of the garden was an adventure. I saw organizational skills on display and great authority speaking.

In a moment I reasoned: “A man that could tame these Lions is wise enough to be my leader. A man that can be this patient with the snail can bear with my late-tendencies. A man that can tolerate the monkey will not hit me because of my imperfections. If truly He has allowed the parrot stay in the same garden with him, then, He will readily understand the fact that my words may not always be few. If truly he has survived the tiger, then, I am safe from divorce.

I sensed freshness as I walked in-between the shrubs. The aura rising from the pretty-looking, nicely-scenting flowers kept my nose suspended for minutes.

Sweety, I kept on thinking of how much energy you must have injected into dressing the garden. Indeed, you are my king; hard working yet loving. Disciplined yet caring. You are the wish of every wise woman. Your kind can only come from Heaven. You are my king and hero.

Shortly, I returned from my strolling. “Ohhhh, he is still sleeping”, I observed.

“I will wake him up ooo”, I thought. He is indeed too resourceful to be missed.

But again, I reasoned: “No, No,No”. Until He wakes up, I won’t give in.

It wasn’t long, I heard a Baritone voice right behind me. As he stretched, cleared his throat, he advanced towards me, held my hands and told me all manner of sweet bla bla bla bla (In passive tone). He started confessing how speechless my beauty almost made him blind. (Lolssssss )  He told me how much he has been praying for this day to come when He can announce to the whole world that He has found a virtuous woman and wife in me.

At first, it sounded like one of those super stories. But now, there is a happy home to show for. Our baby, Cain is already two years old and 6 months pregnancy is already smiling.

Ohhhh dear, I’m glad it wasn’t Jerry. I’m glad I waited for you. You are the best husband God created. Your worth is priceless. Guess what dear…..
(You too keep guessing)


(1) It is the man that finds a wife. That’s God’s pattern. These days, some women go finding husbands. That’s abuse of job description. No wonder they often do anything to get the men say yes by force.

(2) Healthy relationships thrive under mutual input. Don’t let Adam’s love letter go unreplied. Eve, you are not the only one that loves tender care. Teach him improved ways to show love.

(3) Don’t force any man who doesn’t know how to talk ‘something’ to talk ‘the something’. If he can’t open his mouth let him stay there. He might recover the day he is appointed the chairman, drinks sharing committee of your wedding to another sharp bobo who knows how to propose.

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…  Creatively remodelling Biblical stories in contemporary light and with strong moral inferences.

“Like” my Facebook page: Captain365