Which is the greatest ‘nation’ on earth? USA, China, Britain, France, or Soviet Union? Surprise! It’s none of these. “Please don’t tell me it’s Nigeria”, you are already screaming. I agree with you, but it is somewhere closer than you think.

Welcome to imagi-NATION.

This is unarguably the greatest ‘nation’ in the world. It is the greatest because it is the most powerful concept/philosophy known to the human mind. It is a nation that is not limited by size. Albert Einstein once said, “Knowledge is limited; imagination encircles the world.”

Every invention by man comes from citizens of this great nation. They are the ones who see what others have not seen; they use their citizen’s passport to the benefit of all. They are often called insane by aliens who refuse to tap into the great resources provided by this nation; either because they are lazy, or because they are limited by culture, religion, their personal fears or worse still, knowledge.

Knowledge sets a boundary for practicality; imagination sets you free to define a new reality. Knowledge says it has never been done; Imagination screams, “watch me do it!”

Thomas Edison imagined that he could use electricity to light up the world. Critics laughed and said it was impossible. Yet he did it. Bill Gates imagined a computer that could be used by everyone, including the uneducated housewife. IBM said that it was impractical. See where we are today.  Graham Bell dreamt of a day when people would be able to talk to each other in different cities; people mocked the project. He gave us the telephone. His invention became so powerful; nobody believed there could be any improvement to it. But Martin Cooper imagined a day when he could leave home with the telephone in his pocket, after all, why should such a powerful tool be limited to only the moments you are at home or in the office. His competitors at Bell’s Laboratories (imagine the irony) laughed, but you are most likely reading this on a telephone.

Imagination defies reality and redefines it. It sees the boundaries and then breaks it – all the time. It is bold, but it is often ridiculed. It is strong, but so easily overpowered by fears, doubts and worries. The marketplace may be hostile to your idea; that is knowledge- redefine it!

“Now to the God who can do so many awe-inspiring things, immeasurable things, things greater than we ever could ask or IMAGINE THROUGH THE POWER AT WORK IN US” Eph 3:20 (Voice)

For the Christian youth, the Holy Spirit is the Visa to imagiNATION. His role in your life is not restricted to speaking in unknown tongues. Let’s get practical. If “your” Holy Spirit is not blowing your mind with ideas and solutions to national problems, you need to change it and go back to God for the authentic Spirit of God. Seriously.


DeepWords Devotional …proudly Nigerian; confidently Christ-like

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