LIFE BRINGER By Aleele Paago

Opinions differ as to what should be the focus of the emerging Church. Believe me, the focus has not changed from heaven’s point of view. The primary reason the church is on earth is to bring life and to bring it abundantly. This was the mission statement of Jesus on earth. Since the Church is representing Christ, there is no doubt that this remains the grand focus of the body of Christ.

Any society where the church comes to and life and abundant life is not manifest, then the church is to blame. Can you imagine Jesus not being able to meet a need that was presented to him? So what is the problem with my society? What is the solution the church is offering?

Church is not a place for critics; that category belongs to the political class. Church is a place for solution providers. Government is not a place for solution providers. Government provides the environment and the implementation of the solution provided. No government cares whether the solution comes from a church, a university or a shrine. All they care for is the solution.

Egyptians abhorred nomadic shepherds even in the days of Joseph, but when the solution came, they never rejected it. They only asked Joseph to shave his beards. Babylon detested Jews, but not the solution that Daniel provided. Germany detested Jews, but not the solution they provided. The same is true for the church. People may hate the church, but they do not hate solutions provided by the church.

It is okay if people despise you. What is not okay is that you do not have a better solution that they cannot reject. The question is how can I bring life to my environment? How can I make a difference in Nigeria? I do not intend to give you “spiritual” answers. We have enough people praying and fasting for Nigeria. What we need now are men and women who will roll up their sleeves and bring out workable solutions. It is not for our fathers, it is a job for the younger generation. Are you ready?

Are you a life bringer? Can you play the role of Jesus? That is what it means to be a Christian.


DeepWords Devotional …proudly Nigerian; confidently Christ-like

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