I said this in the last episode and I will say it again; one of the most difficult things that a man that has a mandate from God deals with is family. I am not saying that it always happens, but most often than not, it does. What I want to share today are result oriented steps you can take. Above all, trust the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you.

Rebellion is never an option when your family is trying to stop you from following your God-given dream. You don’t want to worsen the situation. You have to try and reason with them and understand their point of view. Know where they are coming from and where they are headed. The truth is they play very vital role in making your dreams come to reality. In the course of dialoguing with them, you will know how to convince them to allow you follow your dream. Remember, do not do it with your own strength, carry God along.

Most people have families that are difficult to convince, but that is not meant to stop you or put you at a standstill. You need to start taking constructive and result oriented steps towards achieving your dream. Your family may need to start seeing your input towards your dream for them to know how convinced and serious you are about it. That might be the thing that will convince them to let you pursue your dream.

If after you have dialogued and shown some seriousness in the way of actions, and the limitation is still there, then the only option is to break the limitation. You can afford to live a live that is unfulfilled. In the end, you don’t have anyone to blame if your dream becomes unfulfilled. If you notice, the steps are in chronological order, this should be a last resort. By this time, you must gotten enough to fine tune the path to the fulfilment of your dream.
Let me end by saying that the only guarantee you have for the fulfilment of your dream is God. He is the one who chose you and gave you those dreams. I am so excited about you because you have been chosen of God to accomplish something great in your lifetime. My prayer is that God will help you to bring that God-given dream to reality.
***Please share with others and let it bless them as it blessed you***
Stay blessed.       
(Transforming the World through the Word)
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ABRAHAM’S SACRIFICE By Godwin ‘Captain’ Kalu

I almost wished the day shouldn’t break. May be to give me a longer time to reflect on how to present this issue to my wife, to really prove to her that I heard God expressly on this matter.

It wasn’t an easy decision at all to make as a Father. All through the night, I almost didn’t want to believe it was God demanding the life of my son by my hands. While thinking harder, the voice re-echoed: ”Abraham, Abraham, Give me Isaac”!

”God, why Isaac”? I asked but the heavens were silent. In my mind, I was planning to remind Him that the Isaac in question was that Son of promise He gave me and to suggest if I could offer any three of my servants in his place or alternatively, a thousand cattle. But, the heavens were silent the more. At this point I knew God wasn’t joking. I was engulfed in the heaviness of having to slaughter my own son by my hands. No true Father can bear this. I didn’t know when I started shedding tears. I have never done this before to the best of my knowledge. I so loved Isaac! He was dear to my heart and instrumental to the covenant God had with me. Again, I couldn’t hold it. Tears rolled out the more.

Sarah was by my side snoring. I was almost tempted to wake her up and discuss this with her but I quickly felt a restrain. I just knew she would have told me to kill her first. You see, you can never predict my wife, Sarah.

How can you predict a woman who at one time, persuaded me to marry our house girl? When I finally obliged, she later felt jealous that I was giving away part of the attention I used to give her to the maid. She almost ate up my peace that I had to send away Hagar and my son Ishmael as she demanded. At another time, she almost embarrassed me before my visitors when she laughed uncontrollably after one of the men said she will carry a son by the same time next year. Funny enough she denied it. I quickly understood. Of course, she was my wife so I covered her up.

As I was meditating, something jumped into me. I caught a revelation of resurrection. That was Faith coming. I quickly confessed: ” God can raise up my son again from the dead even when I slaughter him and that He will do” (Heb.11: 17-19). So, I decided to walk in that revelation and the fear died but to tell Sarah, I changed my mind.

It wasn’t long, the cock crowed. I woke up Isaac and called 2 of my servants to accompany me to mount Moriah to offer sacrifice to God leaving a message behind for Sarah.

At the foot of the mountain, I told my servants to wait for I and the lad till we returned. A voice quickly said: ”who told you, you will return with the lad”? I responded quickly, ”I believe in resurrection”.

As we advanced a little further, my Son asked: ”Daddy, is it that we forgot the lamb for the sacrifice. Every other thing needed is here”? Again, I felt emotional but I couldn’t tell him that he was the sacrificial lamb. So I said: ”Don’t be anxious son, God will provide”.

Sooner, it was time to offer the sacrifice. I set the wood in place. Then, bound my Son Isaac and laid him on the altar. I was wondering why he didn’t scream: ”hey Papa, what are you up to”! Then I knew that he had so much trust in me as a Father. He had the Faith that I could not harm him no matter what. Oh! What an enviable thought Christians must possess towards God, their Father.

Just at the time I raised my hand with the knife to slay my Son, I heard the voice: ” Abraham, lay not your hand on that boy. Now I know you love me. Don’t harm him”. Immediately, I perceived that Jehovah Jireh had done it again. I quickly turned around and behind me was a lamb. How it appeared there, I can’t really say but I quickly told Isaac, ”see the lamb over there. I told you God will provide. Go get it”. With it, we sacrificed to God and returned to meet the servants. Isaac didn’t understand the drama. No wonder he didn’t tell my wife at home that Daddy almost killed him.

I’ll be right back but until I return feed on this:

(1) When God demands your Isaac, He wants to bless you with generations. If you can’t withhold little from him, you won’t have a challenge releasing more to Him.

(2) Loving God takes more than saying it. You need the heart to love God. If there is any one thing you can’t lay down at His demand, then, you still need to grow in love.

(3) Faith is the key to walking with God. When He calls you, look at His Word for a revelation not at your condition.


…  Creatively remodelling Biblical stories in contemporary light and with strong moral inferences.

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MIND GAME By Aleele Paago

Before we can get into the practical solutions that the church must bring. I intend for us to address a major stumbling block. It is our mind set.  Every game changer seems to have a particular set of traits.

Don’t see the problem – see an opportunity to shine. Stars only shine at night. Every star must look for some darkness. If you cannot find your darkness, you will never be celebrated. Why do you see certain businesses thriving only in war zones? Is it just for the money? No. Look at Red Cross. They are non-profit. They see the world’s problems in a different light.
Don’t just see the opportunity – take advantage of it. It is one thing to see an opportunity. It is a different ball game to take advantage of it. 
You cannot solve a problem on the same level it was created. Your solution must come from a higher plane, if it must make an impact. A problem created by hate cannot be solved by hatred.  A problem created by lack and deprivation cannot be solved by lack. As obvious as it is, we hardly put it to practice.  This is the problem with the fight against corruption in Nigeria. The solution emanates from corruption and the need to manipulate so it can hardly achieve the right results.
You have to be prepared. How do you prepare for a race? By running. How do you prepare for a speech? By speaking. How do you prepare for inventions? By inventing. How do you prepare for big business? By doing small business.
Never blend in. In order to change the trend you have to do something differently. Change agents are non-conformists. This is so important that we will have to dig a bit deeper.

©TOUCH THE SKY DeepWords Devotional