MIND GAME By Aleele Paago

Before we can get into the practical solutions that the church must bring. I intend for us to address a major stumbling block. It is our mind set.  Every game changer seems to have a particular set of traits.

Don’t see the problem – see an opportunity to shine. Stars only shine at night. Every star must look for some darkness. If you cannot find your darkness, you will never be celebrated. Why do you see certain businesses thriving only in war zones? Is it just for the money? No. Look at Red Cross. They are non-profit. They see the world’s problems in a different light.
Don’t just see the opportunity – take advantage of it. It is one thing to see an opportunity. It is a different ball game to take advantage of it. 
You cannot solve a problem on the same level it was created. Your solution must come from a higher plane, if it must make an impact. A problem created by hate cannot be solved by hatred.  A problem created by lack and deprivation cannot be solved by lack. As obvious as it is, we hardly put it to practice.  This is the problem with the fight against corruption in Nigeria. The solution emanates from corruption and the need to manipulate so it can hardly achieve the right results.
You have to be prepared. How do you prepare for a race? By running. How do you prepare for a speech? By speaking. How do you prepare for inventions? By inventing. How do you prepare for big business? By doing small business.
Never blend in. In order to change the trend you have to do something differently. Change agents are non-conformists. This is so important that we will have to dig a bit deeper.

©TOUCH THE SKY DeepWords Devotional

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