What makes one country better than the other?

Egypt was once the most successful and most powerful nation. Why? Was it her chariots, her army, the Nile or her gods? It was none of these. It was her human capital as measured in her intellectual property. Egypt invented the science of writing; started astrology that budded into the various branches of mathematics, physics, and architecture and so on. Probably the first ever university was in Alexandria, Egypt.

The Greeks took over by sending their best brains to understudy the Egyptian university. Again, the era of the Greek dominance was not because of their military prowess, but the quality of their intellectual property. Think of the great philosophers.

Nations wax and wane on this one factor more than anything else. The British once claimed that “the sun never sets on the British empire…” But they were ill prepared for the technological age that they started with the invention of the steam engine (Thomas Newcomen and James Watts). It was the beginning of the industrial revolution.

From the moment that America took the lead in the development of computers (at the Universities of Iowa and Pennsylvania), ushering in the space age and the information age, there is no doubt who the world superpower is. It is not a measure of the weapons of mass destruction available to each nation, or the size of their military, but a measure of their brainpower.

Of the top 100 Universities in the world 54 are in USA. Of the top 20, 17 are in the USA, 2 in UK and 1 in Japan. As at 2014, the US has 353 Nobel Prize laureates, followed ‘closely’ by UK with 114! Do you now see where the super power comes from? Intellectual property! By comparison Nigeria has only 1 Nobel laureate.

The difference between leaders and followers is best measured in brainpower (BP) and not how fine your DP is. Does it not bother you as a Christian youth that your country is not excelling in this regard? Forget the crap about environment and our schools not being at an optimum. If you are reading this, you have access to more information than a professor in any country of the world did just 15 years ago. If you are not using these resources, please blame yourself.

I hope today’s entry makes you realize that what will take this country to the top is not the government in power, but the brainpower of the nation – symbolised by we the Christian youths.

I am here to make a difference. What about you?

“And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king enquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm” Daniel 1:20 (KJV).
That is BP.

I pledge to God my Creator, to develop and use my brainpower to solve a national problem. So help me God!

Tweet this: Followers have sweet DP, leaders have great BP (BrainPower)  #DeepWords


DeepWords Devotional …proudly Nigerian; confidently Christlike

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