“Put on the full amour of God so that so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” Eph. 6:11 (NIV).

If you are conversant with safety, you will know what PPE is. For the benefit of those that do not know, I will define it. PPE is a piece of equipment or clothing that is put on for a particular task after proper Job Hazard Analyses (JHA) have been done that protects the wearer from the adverse effect of an accident. In as much as PPE does not prevent accident from happening, it reduces to almost zero the chances of getting hurt.

In the last episode, I did a somewhat JHA on what we are up against on this battle ground. Destroying the stronghold of the devil in any place is not and will never be a ride in the park. I tried to get us acquainted with what this battle will bring to the table, especially if you are yet to get acquainted with happenings. The truth is that the risk is high, that is why as we engage in this battle, you need get yourself kitted and equipped for battle.

Here is a list of the required PPE for this task:

Belt of truth buckled round your waist.

Breastplate of righteousness.

Readiness to preach the gospel.

Shield of faith.

Helmet of salvation.

Sword of the spirit (The word of God).



With all these in place, you will never be a casualty on this battle ground

***Please share with others and let it bless them as it blessed you***

Stay blessed.       

(Transforming the World through the Word)

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