The frenzy. Fun. The lights. Soft carols. Shopping. Gifts. Family. Friends. Neighbours. Time. Beggars. Less privileged. Rewards. Rest. Love…


There are a million reasons why people look forward to the yuletide, and every one of them is legitimate, some more so than others. We did not miss it or forget it, we only saved it for the last. Jesus! He is the ultimate reason for the season. Or is He?


Donkey. Camel. Wearied bones. Dusty lanes. Frayed nerves. Is there a room upstairs? “No room!” Callous. “How much can you afford?” Greed. Self-interest. Rejection. Backyard. Cow dung? Sheep stall. “No. Please not there.” Unhygienic. More rejection. “Please help!” “You have to hold on.” “I am trying!” Panic! Ah! My water is broken! More panic. Joseeeeph! Manger. Hay. Straw. Smile. Swaddling clothes…Baaaby!


He it was angels gathered to watch in anxious anticipation as the young mother struggled unassisted in the pangs of labour. He it was nature could not help but celebrate bursting out with never-before-seen-star! This star was so unique, wise men decided it was not just enough to see it; they will have to trace its trajectory and origin and worship.


Adore! Worship! Lamb. Myrrh. Frankincense. Gold! He is the King. The inexperienced parents may not have known it but He was carefully in charge of the day even from the womb. You may not always know it either. But He still remains I charge still invisible like that first day. Man’s greed or callousness can’t control the decision of the King. The horde of Hades may have tried to close the doors, but they just could not and still cannot. It was all part of the grand design, it was all for good. For one reason…


No! Not one reason. 7 billion reasons! He was not coming just for the rich and wealthy Warren Buffets and Bill Gates. He was not coming just for the Herods and Obamas and Buharis and Camerons. He was not coming just for NASA to detect His star. He was coming for Haruna, Philomena, Emeka, Margaret, Cristopher, Dule, Shehu, Charles, Funmi, Abdulahi, Preye, Deborah, Amina, Ekpenyong, Ada, Yinka and …………………..(please put your name here).


Yes your king is coming for you. You are the reason The Reason for The Season came. He may not come in pomp and pageantry, there may not be any displays of fireworks, and no grand orchestra may herald His presence. But the King is coming! Indeed He has come.


Hope. Happiness. Jump for joy. Dance! Rejoice! Ecstasy. Wait. Silence. Quiet calm…


Listen carefully… Alafia! Amani! Emem! Feefeelo! Freiden! Kapayapaan! Lafia! La paz! Udo! Ufuoma! Pace! Vrede! Yepatang! Shalom!… in every language… “‘Peace’ on earth and goodwill to men!” To women. To you!


He is not just the baby in the manger, but the messenger of hope. He is not just another preacher but the healer of our diseases. He is not just a miracle worker, He is the saviour on the cross. The conqueror of hell. The killer of death. He is the Resurrection. Truth. Awesome. Mighty. Marvellous. Wonderful. Counsellor. Mighty God. Prince of peace. Bright and morning star. Sun of Righteousness. Son of man, yet Son of God. He is not just the lamb, He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah and of Nigeria, Germany, China and Ethiopia!


Welcome home, not to the manger, but to our lowly hearts. Holy Child! King! Lord! Saviour! God-with-man! Immanuel! Jesus! Christ! Master. Messiah. Risen! Reigning! Supreme. Coming King! Alpha! Omega! Amen!


This introductory edition of DeepWords takes an unusual look at Christmas. It brings to the fore deep lessons that are usually lost in the excitement of the season. As you read these meditational pieces, my prayer is that you will take your place in the grand design of heaven’s Christmas lighting effects on earth today.


I long to hear from you and the testimonies God is bringing your way this glorious season.


Merry Christmas. Very Merry Christmas to you and yours. Today. Tomorrow. Always.


#GOD COLOURS; TRUE COLOURS (A Deep Words Devotional Material)


#Celebrating the Second Anniversary of a great vision through the visionary, Aleele Paago.

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Stay blessed.




(Transforming the World through the Word)


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