“And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field … and lo the angel of the Lord shone around them” Luke 2:8-9.

Also read Luke 3:1-2.

It is said that success is preparation meeting with opportunity. In your regular day to day living, you will need to pray to be at the right place at the right time. The problem really is that it is beyond our capacity as humans to determine what the right time is and our guesses of what the right place is may often be wrong. Lot decided on what the right place was, by looking at the physical conditions of the land. He was wrong.

Zechariah was at the temple at the time of prayer. It was a “once-in-a-lifetime”   opportunity to have that service. It was there in that temple (a right place) that God visited him. Mary was alone at home. Not a very right place for a holy visitor. But God showed up in the ordinariness of her home. It was the right place. The shepherds were out in the field away from town and the comforts of their beds and the doting of their loved ones. Yet God visited them there. They were at the right place.

One of the greatest lessons from Christmas is this: YOU ARE RIGHTLY LOCATED WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW. From the temple, to the lowly home of Mary, to the far wilderness where the shepherds stayed and even as far as China and India, God reached everyone and not one person missed. You are at the right spot this Christmas.

But being at the right spot will amount to nothing if you are not sensitive enough to hear what the Spirit of God is saying. There were guests staying in the same compound where Jesus was given birth to, yet they had no clue of what has happened at the backyard. They were at the right place but they missed. There were scribes and priests in the temple when Jesus was born, yet they never saw assign or encountered an angel. Even the priest that dedicated Jesus never knew who the baby was!

I want you to be assured this Christmas, and always, that you are never too far from God. He can reach you right where you are now. Wherever God shows up is the right place.

Prayer: Oh Lord, show up today in the ordinary circumstances of my life and grant me the grace to be sensitive to your presence and to obey when you do.

#GOD COLOURS; TRUE COLOURS (A Deep Words Devotional Material)

#Celebrating the Second Anniversary of a great vision through the visionary, Aleele Paago.


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Stay blessed.



(Transforming the World through the Word)


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