“Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign; Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel” Isa. 7:14 (KJV)

“Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of the day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations, that’s what I had in mind for you” Jer. 1:5.

“You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your book!” Psa. 139:16 (LB).

“They could hardly contain themselves: They were in the right place! They had arrived at the right time” Matt. 2:10 (MSG).

Timing is of the essence, not just in the calendar of human activities but in the agenda of God. The Christmas story in its allegorical allusions clearly demonstrates this and man’s futile attempt to control ‘right’ time.

According to Matthew 2:16, the wise men arrived Jerusalem probably two years after the birth of Christ unlike the shepherds who arrived a couple of hours after the unbelievable incident. The two groups of worshippers arrived at the right time!

How can it be that the person that arrived to meet a whimpering baby wrapped in blankets and the person that came to meet the baby as a toddler could be said to have arrived at the same time? This is a beautiful allegory of Christmas, whenever you come to worship the King in truth and in spirit is the right time. Heaven does not count in days and months and hours as we do, heaven counts in purpose and dispensations. The purpose of the shepherds was to spread the news to lowly townsfolk and to bear witness that indeed this event took place as the baby’s mother would later narrate. The purpose of the Wise men’s visit was to provide the finances required to make the trip overseas to Egypt and to announce the King in Herod’s palace. Note however that both groups set off the same night they heard the good news and saw the star. How about you? When you hear the good news of Jesus do you delay?

There is an even deeper connotation to the right time in the Christmas story. Why does Joseph occupy the exact position he does in the genealogy of Christ? Why did Ruth occupy that particular place in history? Why are you alive at this particular time in history? Do you think it is mere coincidence? The prophecy that mentioned a virgin will conceive was given over 700 years before it eventually happened. Why did it take that long? The people that were alive as at when the prophecy was given by Isaiah thought the prophecy will fulfil in their days.

Have you ever queried why you were born into a particular family, in a particular culture or country at a particular time? The answer is all unveiled in this beautiful Christmas story. There is a role only you can play and it has been determined from the beginning of the world that you must be available to fulfil that role at the right time.

Now is the right time for you. Here is the right place for you. Will you play your part or will you disappoint heaven?

Prayer: Lord help me fulfil my role in history. Grant me the grace and the courage to become all you have determined for me to be in this dispensation. Amen.

#GOD COLOURS; TRUE COLOURS (A Deep Words Devotional Material)

#Celebrating the Second Anniversary of a great vision through the visionary, Aleele Paago.


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(Transforming the World through the Word)


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