“Because he knows the road on which I travel, when he had tested me, I’ll come out like gold” Job 23:10 (ISV)

Everything I have been talking about in this series revolve around the above scripture. Each time gold or any precious metal is mentioned, it takes me back to what it has to go through from when it is mined to when it is refined. I really wish I can get a real interview, I really do have a couple of questions for them. I believe if that was possible, they will tell me that the path to being valued so highly is not a palatable one. What we see in museums and jewellery stores are refined articles. They went through the refiner’s fire, and trust me, it was not a walk in the park.

The Hebrew word for REFINE is tsäraph which also means to test. So if God wants to test you, He takes you through the fire. This He does, not to burn you up, but to purify you and make you valuable and great. It is going to be uncomfortable and hot. You will lose some of the fleshly values you have given yourself, it will be a hot and tough process to go through, but it promises to make you better.

God has not said the path to greatness will be an easy one, but He is faithful enough to be with you through the fire. He has that pedigree and if He did it for one, He can do it for another. Trust in God and you will be just fine. There is greatness on the inside of you that is waiting for expression, just endure the heat of the fire and it will manifest when your test is over.

“When you pass through the waters, I’ll be with you; and through the rivers, they won’t sweep over you, when you walk through fire you won’t be scorched, and the flame won’t set you ablaze” Isa. 43:2 (ISV).  


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Stay blessed.          

(Transforming the World through the Word)

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