One of the things I have come to observe in my short existence is that anything can happen in life. A wealthy man today can be a beggar tomorrow. A thriving and wave-making establishment today can become history tomorrow. A lovely family today can be a wreck tomorrow. In the same vein, a bad situation today can turn around for good tomorrow. This is simply because life happens.

One constant thing in life is change. It can be for the good or the bad. I know a lot of people have said that we should be the determinant of what happens to us. We have been made to believe that we should have our own destiny in our hands. I am not here to discredit those assertions. But my friend, Life happens.

We all have big dreams. We all have earth shaking plans for now and the future. We all want to leave a good heritage for our generations yet unborn. A wise man once said that the richest and wealthiest place on earth is the graveyard. In the graveyard is where you find untapped and unexpressed potentials. I will want to believe that not all men who die with great potentials really wanted to. This still points to the fact that life happens.

The truth of the matter is that liferathon can be likened a coin. It can go down well and it can also get ugly. You will meet a lot of things that have the potential of making or marring you. There are times the momentum will rise and there are times you will grow weary. My friend, life happens.

The big question now is: WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN LIFE HAPPENS?

Stay blessed.



(Transforming the World through the Word)