A number of things happen at REHAB. Of all of those things, I’ll pick out two that relates to the thought I have been sharing in this series.

One of the things that happens at REHAB is that your old self is taken away and a new you comes out. God through the working of the Holy Spirit removes the things that were hitherto making your life miserable. Everything that make you lag in this liferathon is taken away and a new person is imputed. This could be habits, friends, addictions etc., they are all taken care of here.

I have shared how I struggled with my past life for almost a year after I got born again. I had friends that I knew I should send to the outer circle, but yet, I could not bring myself to tell them that I had found Jesus. I knew I was saved, but I was struggling with letting go of some kind of friends. I have also shared how I got addicted to alcohol, that I wondered within myself how it got that bad considering my foundation. It took REHAB to get rid of those lifestyle and for me to fully embrace the new life I found.

It is not always an easy process, but it is a worthy venture. It will definitely take a lot from you. It would take you denying yourself of some things that naturally used to give you pleasure. This things could be food, company, home, comfort etc. This is the way of the Eagle. It makes the decision to strike off its beak, and pluck out its old talons and feathers. This is where you play a role in REHAB. You have to give God the permission to remove all those things that need to be removed. When they are removed, you can now see the new you emerge.

You cannot enjoy this new life, if you are not born again. You need to acknowledge Jesus Christ as your saviour and make Him Lord of your life. He is still in the business of giving a new life and He will give you today if you let Him. Do not push this any further, this is a wonderful opportunity to get rid of all those things that are wearing you out. Just pray to God to come into your life and make it brand new.

If you have done this, I want to congratulate you. You have started a journey of a life in Christ and for that, I commend you. I also will encourage you to find any Assembly of believers for help on how to fully access the fullness of this new life. If you contact me, I’ll gladly help you. I love you and I look forward to hearing from you. You can call 08063566730 or write me through

Stay blessed.



(Transforming the World through the Word)

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