Another thing that happens at REHAB is renewal of strength. Every new life comes with a new strength. This is not a top up or a makeup, it is new. The new strength is not added, it is given completely. This means that every strength you had initially is taken away.

God does not put an old wine in a new wine skin. He cannot give you a new life and then top up your strength. He strips you of whatever strength you have to give you a totally new one that will carry you as you live your new life. This is why He strips you of whatever gave you pleasure in the old life you had. The next time you notice that things are changing in your life that could be God taking you through REHAB.

In Luke 24:49, Jesus told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem. He could have just asked them to launch out immediately, but no, he asked them to wait. This is because the strength they need to function effectively can only come when they have received the Holy Ghost, the strength giver.

I am led to say something, and I will close with it. REHAB is a place of preparation for greater exploits. Do not be in a hurry to launch out, wait on the Lord and let Him fill you with the Holy Ghost. That is when you can be fired up for the hurdles of this liferathon.

Stay blessed.



(Transforming the World through the Word)

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