If I give you a pad to write all the things that have crossed your mind to do, I am sure it will run into pages. As a matter of fact, you have been writing New Year resolutions for the past how many years? And for each time, there is something you tell yourself you will want to achieve that year. Interestingly, this year was not different. Some of those plans have been carried over to the point that they really want out. And right now, you do not even know if you are going to actualise any of those plans this year.

Let me tell you something; for every idea that is generated in your mind, you have to potential to actualise it. I always tell people that whatever you can think of, you can have it. If it crossed your mind, then it should be mined.

Now I will ask you to go to the place where you have kept that journal of ideas and get them out. Look at them again from the beginning and ask yourself this question: Did this cross my mind? If the answer is ‘YES’, then you have to quickly make a dash to the next paragraph.5-things-your-business-plan-absolutely-must-have-daymond-john-e1445877704709

The next thing I want you to do is tell yourself this: I will take the first step to make these ideas a reality and I am going to take them one at a time. Oh! That sounds relieving, right? This is just the beginning. I will need you to constantly tell yourself this and trust me, it will drive you to go for it.

That idea needs to be unboxed. You need to get it out of the book-box and start working on it. If you do not go for it, they will remain wherever you have kept it and you have the giver of the idea to answer to. My friend, GO FOR IT!

“Not everyone is going to like what you do or what you have to offer; however, if you can’t see yourself doing anything else, and you have the drive and ambition, get the training and go for it”Kristin Chenoweth.




(Transforming the World through the Word)