I was a student of Biology, but I never really liked it. It did not flow naturally with me like Mathematics or Physics. However, this dislike pushed me into putting extra effort as I prepared for my High School Certificate Examination. I had to cover four different text books in preparing for Biology because I did not want it to be a science subject that will dent my grades. Well it paid off as it eventually became my second best result after Mathematics.

One of the first things I was introduced to in Biology was the theory of evolution. I was told that all living things came from a common ancestor. For instance, man evolved from the ancestry of Apes. There were a lot of scientific proofs to back that up as I was taught. This wrestled with what I was taught in Sunday school. There I was taught that God created man in his image out of the dust.

I went to a seminary secondary school so you can understand the conflict I had. Well, I had to pass my Biology exams. Hence, I studied the evolution theory and took the story to heart (at least for the period I had to study it).

After all have been said and done, this is what I believe: God created everything by the words of His mouth. He then made man out of the dust of the ground, breathed on Him and ensured that man becomes a replica of Himself on earth. What this means by implication is that man has the potential to replicate on earth what God did.

I am going somewhere with this…





(Transforming the World through the Word)