I do not need to sound prophetic or preachy in order to reiterate how powerful the words we release from our mouth are. If we are made in the image of God, it then means that our words have the potential and capacity to create our world. Through words, you can determine how, where and what you end up with in life. As important as spitting out negative words is, speaking positive words over your life is utterly very important.

Every man who worked with God and did exploits had to make positive declaration at some point. Moses had to speak to the rock to release water for the people of God, Joshua had to speak to the elements to favour his quest, David had to talk about God’s ability to deliver en route to bringing down Goliath, Ezekiel had to prophesy to the dry bones before they came back to life, and the list continues.

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the WORD of their testimony;…” Rev. 12:11 (KJV Lite)

My friends, we are in a war of words and victory is encapsulated in our testimonies (Positive words).

Little wonder, when the Devil came at Jesus with misconceived words, Jesus selected the right words that beat the devil to his game. If you must overcome, you must understand that the weapons of warfare in Liferathon are RIGHT WORDS spoken in FAITH. Another time, I will tell you a thing or two about faith.

You have been boxed and caged for so long, it is time to unleash YOU and your creative power. if God made you in His image (and I believe He did), you to start speaking words that will shape your world to how you want it to be. Do not forget that you are a replica of God on earth and your full potential will only be reached when you begin to act like one. It is a war of words and your victory is dependent on your ability to speak the right words.





(Transforming the World through the Word)