In the business world, especially for emerging businesses, one critical element of the business plan is SWOT analysis. It is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. A good knowledge and understanding of these four key points will enable any new business venture make a perfect start.

If you are to be unleashed to become all that you were designed to be, you need to do your SWOT analysis. For this episode, I’ll focus on your Strengths.

Your strength is the point where you have advantage. It is pertinent that you look inwards and identify your potentials and all that you can do. Do not tell me there is nothing you can do. There has to be something you can do. Granted, there is nothing you can do, then go and get some skill. You need to have an advantage. It really does not have to be so much at the beginning, start with one.

If you cannot sing, act. If you cannot act, write. If you cannot write, play (football). You cannot afford not to have something that will give you an advantage in life. You may not be intellectually empowered, but you can be physically and skilfully empowered. You have an advantage, use it!





(Transforming the World through the Word)