The issue I want to bring to fore in this episode is one that affects you and me. It is one that have made kings walk on barefoot while slaves ride on the back of their horses. It has made many a men lose their birth rights and positions in the scheme of things. It has also been a distinguishing factor amongst men. This is the second thing you need to know and understand as you push to become all that you have been destined to be. I want to talk about our WEAKNESSES.

You may have found yourself struggling with traits and habits that make you appear helpless when they try to manifest (I had and still have). You seem to lose all sense of comeliness and decorum when they show up. It feels like if you do not do it, you cease to be yourself. To add salt to injury, you are not happy about it so you end up depressed while you are struggling with it. Those are your weaknesses.

Like I said earlier, we all have weaknesses that we are dealing with. Now how you deal with your weaknesses determine how far you go to in life. If you must unleash the potentials that will make you great, you are going to have to intentionally identify your weaknesses and deal with them.

Do not get it twisted, your weaknesses are not designed to make you hopeless and helpless. As a matter of fact, they are there to make you stronger. The more you deal with your weaknesses, the stronger you become. Whether or not you come out strong or you capsize depends on how willing you are to deal with your weaknesses.

I urge you not to give in to your weaknesses just yet, there is hope for you. God is actually interested in helping you deal with your weaknesses. Go to Him in sincerity of heart and ask him for help and you can exchange your weaknesses for His strength. Make no mistakes about it, He will not throw a magic wand and make all your weaknesses disappear. He only helps you to the extent you are willing to obey simple instructions from Him.

I pray for you today that your weaknesses will not cost you gravely in life, they will only make you stronger.





(Transforming the World through the Word)