Let me start by saying that the chances of abusing anything you are not prepared for when it is given to you are very high. It has been said that when opportunity meets preparation, success becomes common place. The truth is that the opportunities that come our way on a daily basis are innumerable. It has also been said that you are not poor because you do not have money, but you are poor because you Pass Over Opportunities Repeatedly. To a great extent, I agree with that (of course there are other things that makes one poor).

There is another cliché that I believe you may have heard of: “Opportunities come once”. With time, I have come to understand that there are opportunities that when they pass, they come back again. But the challenge is TIME. For every opportunity that you allow to pass, you have lost a valuable asset in time. What happens to you in life is to a great extent dependent on OPPORTUNITY and TIME.

It then behoves you to prepare yourself to take the opportunities that come your way.

To unleash your potentials, you need to find out the opportunities you have with them. It will help you prepare yourself to grab them when they come. Let us take writing as a case in question. If you are to unleash your writing potentials, you should know that opportunities abound in the area of teaching and public speaking. As you are working on your writing potential, you also work on your teaching and public speaking potentials in order to be ready for when opportunities show up in those areas.

Things should not take you unawares. God will not bring your way what he has not given you the potential to handle. The problem has always been your preparedness to handle them. I challenge you to wake up and grab the opportunities that are coming your way.

You CAN! You WILL!! As a matter of fact, You MUST be UNLEASHED!!! The world will celebrate your success and kings will come to the brightness of your rising.





(Transforming the World through the Word)

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