Accidents happen all the time, but it does not stop movement of people. Plane crashes do not deter people from flying, shipwrecks is not excuse enough not to travel by sea, and Auto crashes cannot prevent people from using the roads. The truth my friend is that success is always threatened by challenges, but yet, success stories emerge on daily basis. Whatever the challenge is, you can handle it.

I have said and I will quote myself again; “God will not bring your way what he has not given you the potential to handle”. If you are facing an obstacle on your path to greatness, you can handle it. If there is a situation threatening your future, or maybe you hit a rocky patch in career or business, do not fret or shudder, you can handle it. You have all it takes to surmount every challenge threatening your journey to greatness.

Greatness does not come on a platter of gold, it is attained. The path to greatness is not a rosy one. I would have loved to sugar-coat it for you, but no, I won’t. The icing comes after the baking. That you encountered a glitch on your path is not enough for you to settle for less. I dare you to dust yourself, square your shoulders and challenge that threatening situation. That is what great men do.

Let me tell you this: A threat is only meant to ascertain your confidence level. For someone to threaten you, there is a level of uncertainty on the person’s part. If he could get you down easily, he would not threaten you, he would do it outright. When you start panicking and exhibiting fear, the person takes advantage of that and tortures you physically and emotionally. The way to handle threats is to confidently face it and surmount it. It might not be a walk in the park though, but you can handle it.





(Transforming the World through the Word)