When you are unleashed, there are certain things that you should be wary of. One of them is when your past failings are been thrown at you. You will definitely encounter people who will dig into your past, dig out your shit (forgive me, I have to throw caution into the wind here), and throw them right at your face. They do this to undermine the possibility that you could have ever been great. They will try to show you how undeserving you are to be great. When you encounter such people, I will recommend you ask them; So What?

The reason I recommended that question is simple; most of the things they will bring to fore may be factual. You can identify with them. It could be how you failed in a lot of businesses and now you are a top business consultant. It could be how you failed in your marriage and now you are a well sought after relationship expert. Maybe you are a music maestro but you have a very croaky voice. You may have failed in all those areas, so what? It does not matter now, those are in the past.

Please, do not get into argument with those naysayers. Do not waste your energy trying to defend their allegations, it is very distracting. It even gives room for blackmail.  As a matter of fact, in the multitude of failures, success can be achieved. You can ask Thomas Edison. Their aim is to make you begin to look at yourself below where God has placed you.

You grew up in the ghetto, so what? You cheated your way through school, so what? You slept with all your lecturers to get your grades up, so what? You are an ex-convict, so what? Whatever you do, do not allow your past mistakes dent your present story. If God has not condemned you, you stand not condemned.





(Transforming the World through the Word)