The day you discover that you have something to offer is certainly not the day you get paid for it. From the day you realize you have something to offer to the day people begin to pay to have it, certain things must happen. Your gift must go through the necessary processes. There is a series where I dealt with the process, I’ll recommend that you read it.

If your gift must go through the process, it then means that there are certain things you must do to take your potential from conception to delivery. 

One of the things you must do is to make a list. Nobody prepares a good meal that people will pay to have without a list. You must make a list of all the things you need to prepare the meal. Your giftings will not just manifest for all to appreciate, there are things that will ensure that it manifests.

This list should contain all the necessary ingredients for the preparation of your servable gift. Everything you need should be outlined. You don’t need to be conservative about it, make it holistic. At this stage, nothing should be left out. You are permitted to put all ingredients into consideration.

Sit back today, think about all the things that are needed for you to make your gift attractive and tasty.


© Transforming Words Series, 2017

… Transforming the World through the Word.