On countless occasions have my students said to me, “Sir, I wish God can give me half the brain that you have” (paraphrased). Most, if not all, of those times, I’ll give them this reply with a warm smile; “You have the potential to do more than I am doing now. With hardwork, discipline and God’s grace, you can do anything”.

My friends, hardwork still pays. I don’t care what we have muddled it up with, if you don’t sow, you have no business with harvest. Results are products of work. How can you have the kind of results you envy when you are not ready to do the work that comes with it? 

I really do have a problem with religious folks who has misconstrued grace for laziness. God does not support laziness. Granted, you can only do as much as you have the capacity to do, but at least do something. 

The truth is that God has blessed you. However, your blessings can only be accessed if you do something.

If you desire a certain result, do the work that comes with it.

Yours truly,

Ibeh Uche Sam


I was watching a football match one day and the referee made a wrong call that was obvious. He was supposed to give a corner kick, instead he gave a goal kick. That decision became the talking point at halftime for pundits and analysts. It was obviously a wrong call, howbeit, it was upheld. This is because the referee has the final say.

It is your referee that decides if you are right or wrong. Other people’s opinion will remain theirs as long as your referee has made the call. Stop trying so hard to always appear good to people whose decision have no effect on how your life turns out.

There are other instances where a team is spited because they usually get favorable decision from referees.

My REFEREE favours me, even though I am undeserving of it. You can hate all you want, you can spite all you want, or even say what you like. I am only interested in what my REFEREE says. If you think I don’t deserve my blessings, that’s your problem. What you think is inconsequential, provided my referee has said I deserve them. My REFEREE disallows goals scored against me by my adversaries just to ensure I win the game. I love my REFEREE!


Yours truly,

Ibeh Uche Sam.


I love football, even though I cannot play well. I can spare the time to watch a football match, especially when my favourite team is playing. I just love the thrill; the tackles, the dribbles, the touches, the passes and most importantly, the goals. It’s really very exciting and helps me release the so-called endorphins.

Two things, amongst many, spark my curiosity each time I think about the beautiful game of football. One is how twenty people will busy running after one little object. The second, and the navel of my meditation, is how one man’s decision affects the course of the game. The role of the referee in a football match can neither be overemphasized nor overlooked.

Let me stop to ask: Who has the final say in the things that concern you? Who calls the shots in your life? The one who calls the shot in your life decides your starting and your ending, your pause and play and your goals in life.

I have a Referee who calls the shots of my life. He is the author and the finisher of my life’s pages. He wrote the scripts and played the movie of my life before I acted one scene. He is my beginning and my ending. I call Him Jehovah!


Yours truly,

Ibeh Uche Sam