Hmmm… What I want to share with you today might not be new or strange to you. However, if you are oblivious of it, then I hope you pick inspiration and shift your paradigm positively.

Since I moved into the apartment that I stay now, the tap of the hand washer had been positioned in a certain way. I didn’t like it, but I could not attempt to do anything about it. I had been using it like that until yesterday. I decided to finally dare to twist the tap, only to realize that the situation just demanded that. It got me thinking and reflecting.

Is it not interesting that we have allowed ourselves to adjust to uncomfortable conditions when we have all that is needed to change them?

Now, I am not asking you to make trouble, but I’m challenging you to dare to challenge the status quo with a positive outcome in mind.

I just need you to take that bold step and twist some taps around you for good. Be a positive change agent in your family and organization.

Have a productive day…

Yours truly,
Ibeh Uche Sam