“And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the keepers before the door kept the prison” Acts 12:6.

Everytime I read this text, it keeps me transfixed and startled for a while. Which normal thinking person will be sleeping a night before execution? You must be a hardened criminal or something with its similitude, to do that. A lot of preachers have geared their thoughts on this path and I really do not have any issues with that. It’s okay to brand Peter as unserious and insensitive. But that might just be a half of this yellow sun that we see in this text.

If you look from another perspective, you’ll realize that it was okay for him to sleep in that condition. The following are some reasons I think would have warranted Peter to sleep on the night before his execution.
1. He had seen Jesus sleep during a terrible storm (Mark 4:36-41). He could sleep on the night before his execution because he knew that God has got it all in control. He had peace, knowing that God can’t lie. If he has promised, he will do it. Believe me, I assume he has prayed and prayed all the while he was in prison. So he had to give his mind some peace knowing that God is in control.
2. He was ready to die for what he believed. I want to believe that the words of Jesus Christ in Matt. 5:11&12, and also Matt. 24:9, were resonating in his heart. He could sleep through that night knowing that for him to live is Christ and for him to die is gain.

My friends, a lot of things come to us to make us panic. They could be family issues, pressure from work, your business and so many other things. You need to remind yourself constantly that God has got them in control. You can sleep through the storms of your life knowing that God’s got your back. Am I saying you should not pray? No! I’m only telling you to pray as a victor and not like a victim.

You can sleep through that situation because GOD’S GOT IT!.

Your truly,
Ibeh Uche Sam


© Transforming Words Series

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