“When he realized this, he went to the home of Mary, the mother of John Mark, where many were gathered for prayer” Acts 12:12 (NLT).

It is one thing to be delivered, it is another to remain delivered. Being healed from an ailment is no guarantee for a sickness free life. It is one thing to be blessed, but living blessed is a different kettle of fish.

So what’s the difference?

Since you asked, I’ll give you my answer in the next few paragraphs.

There’s is this man that always gives me money every time I go to see him, whether at home or in the office. And he gives to me without my asking. As a matter of fact, I stopped going to see him to douse the misconception that I always go to see him because I know he will give me money.

One day, he told me the reason he was always showing me the kind gestures. He told that any time he sees me, he remembers what God did for him through my parents.

He told me how he reluctantly followed a friend to my dad’s ministry many years back and God used my mum to a proffer solution to the challenges he was having with his proposed trip to Korea. Therefore, the kind gestures he is showing me is his way of remembering and appreciating what God did for him through the ministry of my parents. Today, he is not only an established businessman, he has also helped other young businessmen to stand on their feet.

When God gives us breakthroughs, the tendency to be corky, arrogant and forgetful of the processes that led to the breakthroughs are imminent. This is one of the reasons behindwhy people crashing after rising high in life.

As soon as Peter was delivered, he located the house where prayers are being made for his release.

Of the ten lepers that where healed by Jesus Christ, only one was made whole because he remembered to return and give thanks.

Never forget the people who stood by you to ensure you get your breakthrough. This is the key to sustained blessings. This is not an obligation, nor a law that you must obey. It is an unspoken principle.

Always Remember!

Yours truly,
Ibeh Uche Sam


© Transforming Words Series

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