“The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage.” Psa. 16: 5-6 (KJV).


“The land you have given me is a pleasant land. What a wonderful inheritance!” Psa. 16:5-6 (NLT).


This is a sequel to the last episode of this series. I said something that bears repeating and I quote; “Nothing gets done without commitment”. You can have all the beautiful wishes, prophecies and declarations over your life. If you do nothing about them, they will never come to manifestation, regardless of the decibel of AMEN you affirmed them with. You have a role to play in bringing to reality the glory that God has designed you to manifest.


The text I raised above is one that has been bastardized by a lot of church folks. They believe that because they are children of God, He will cause everything to fall in place for them. If you are in that category of mediocre church folks, let me burst your bubble; it doesn’t work that way. In as much as I believe in the ability of God to do it, I am not comfortable with the fact that a lot of church folks use it to support and sponsor their laziness and mediocrity.


I am not in any way downplaying the place of favour. However, showing favour is God’s prerogative. You can’t blackmail God with your sanctimonious vanity. Let me tell you why:


“Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant.” Gal. 6:7 (NLT).


Why are you trying to make a mockery of God? Why do you want to harvest what you did not plant? Are you a thief?


The land God has given you is a pleasant one, full of good things. However, God is only going to send you rain that will expedite harvest when you commit to tilling the land.


I have no doubt that you have potentials and talents that will stand you out and cause you to shine. In fact, your pastor was not lying when he made those declarations over your life. But if you do not work on those potentials and talents, you will not enjoy the manifestation of those declarations.


I simply wrote this piece to challenge you to stop blackmailing God with your AMEN, and do the work that will guarantee harvest. The land is pleasant, just till it!





Happy New Year..


Yours truly,

Ibeh Uche Sam


© Transforming Words Series