“Do you see a man diligent and skillful in his business? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men” Prov. 22:29 (AMP).

Facebook is an interesting social media platform for a number of reasons. Of personal interest to me is their innovations and upgrades. Just when you think you are used to some things, they upgrade and raise the bar.

One of their innovations that has particularly caught my attention is the sharing of memories on Facebook. It randomly selects your activities in the past years and reminds you of them.

One day Facebook took me back to things I’ve written in the past, between five to seven years ago. I was amazed at how I have improved in my writing and delivery. I could read articles that I used short forms, made terrible grammatical blunders and ignored typographical errors. I was making sense but my delivery was crude and needed refining.

Today, I have people visiting my blog site from different countries of the world to read my write-ups. It did not just happen, I diligently and intentionally worked on my gift and made an art out of it. Even with the heights I have attained in writing, I am still working to improve and get better.

When you embrace diligence, you will get better at what you do. It is both a tragedy and a travesty to dwell in mediocrity, especially if you are a Christian. You’ve got the Holy Ghost on your inside, that is a good reason to be excellent. The Holy Ghost you have will not have its fullest expression when you have a strong alliance with laziness and mediocrity. The Holy Ghost can only tell you what you should do, but you are the one to do the work.

There are higher heights to attain, and greater feats to achieve. Do not put your hand on the plough and remove it. Diligence implies that you are consistently working on yourself to get better. You are excellent only when you are improving.

There’s so much in you waiting to manifest. But they cannot manifest in their raw state, you need to work on them and refine them.



Happy New Year..

Yours truly,
Ibeh Uche Sam

© Transforming Words Series