One Day at a Time

I try to be as bold as I can when I go about my daily activities. I’ve had as much life issues try to put me under, but that’s my opinion. I speak with some people and they think I just exaggerate my experiences so I don’t talk to a lot of people. I’m a whole lot withdrawn most of the time but I have some awesome moments of excitement.

One day I had an argument with my friend. We were talking about someone’s withdrawal issues and she (my friend) thought this person could do better at healing from her issues. I was going to agree until she said “after all she isn’t the only one who has been through that!”

I went RED!! Trust me, if I’m passionate about something I act before I think and I could “over-act”.

“Have you been through a thing in your life?” I lashed. “Have you ever tried to recover from something and found yourself unable to? Have you ever tried to find out from those ‘who recovered’ how they did it? How do you know the efforts this person puts in to overcome this issue of hers?”

One of the things I worry most about is people’s state of mind. I mean it shouldn’t be my business but I worry by default. Maybe it’s because I have my own issues that put me in mind conditions that aren’t quite healthy, but seeing people emotionally or physically distressed is a distress on its own.

Okay, this isn’t about me. It’s about someone having a hard time at recovering from a certain hurt. You can’t even speak to anyone about it because you are afraid of being tagged. You sincerely are struggling, you’ve fasted and prayed, read your bible, made resolutions but this thing won’t go away.

Maybe you’ve resigned on yourself. Maybe you’ve even tagged yourself, accepting the life that you wish away.

There is HOPE! You can have your life back again.

I want you to know that we all have our individual process: some are slower than others, but after all we all can get on the path of healing.

How do I know? I’ve had my share of ups and downs, times when there was no one around. But I take my days one day at a time and that’s how I heal from all the hurts.

I’ve been tagged by people who don’t know my story, people who haven’t been through jack yet believe they can tell me how to hurt. Forgiving them and letting my heart and mind recover has been work, but I’ve learned to walk this path one day at a time.

You too can have freedom by learning to live one day at a time. And what’s more? There’s a friend you can always talk to. I know him, and I’d love to introduce you if you don’t mind.

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