““Who told you that you were naked?” the Lord God asked. “Have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat?”. The man replied, “It was the woman you gave me who gave me the fruit, and I ate it.” Gen 3:11-12 (NLT).


Whenever you ask a question, there are a number of possible answers that you expect to get from your respondent. When you ask a question like “how are you?”, you expect the respondent to either answer “I am fine” or “I am not fine”.

Sometimes, the answers do not come as straight forward as the question. In some cases, you could even get a question as a reply. Well, I’ve come to realize that they are all dynamics of being human. Most people usually try to present themselves as faultless and inerrant. But for all I know, fautlessness and inerrancy is an exclusive attribute of God.

As I come to my thoughts today, I’d take a trip down memory lane. I used to work as a salesman for an IT and gadgets outfit. Everytime The Boss comes to the office and notices something that is out of place, he’d ask “who did this?”. Interestingly, whoever that is close to him begins to scamper to find the culprit. In the end, he will call the person back and ask him to fix it. That taught me a life lesson about taking responsibility.

It is mediocre to always look for who to blame when something goes wrong, especially when you have the capacity to fix the problem.

Adam was a culprit of this. He resorted to playing the blame game when he was confronted with his actions. It was irresponsible and mediocre of him to blame the wife for a decision he took.

A good number of young men that are frustrated today is because they refused to take responsibility for their outcomes in life. They blame their parents, society, government etc. for their misfortune. Unfortunately, blaming anyone has not and will never change their predicament.

Away with the blame game! Take responsibility for the things that concern you. Only then will you be able to manifest the potentials God has domiciled in you.





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