My Friend

I talked to people struggling with some form of pain a while ago and I said I’d introduce you to a friend. Yeah, I know, these religious things. Everything doesn’t have to become God, right? Yeah, I know, we are humans biko. I get it, but come with me.

I was in JSS1 when I first stepped out to answer the “altar call”. I am not sure I really knew what I was doing then, but I did it anyways. I came out with some friends for it that day.

Another day was the call for “Holy Ghost baptism” and I went. I remember one of my friends saying to me “you went out the last time with us and you’re going again. Do you lose your salvation everyday?” I corrected him quickly. “It’s baptism of the Spirit we are heading out for, not salvation.” I felt really proud and special to have been more attentive than they were.

But I answered other altar calls after that. It changed nothing though, as some I answered out of fear. And then I stopped answering them. Haba!, you are asking why? You nor dey tire on top one routine? I been learn nah.

I visited my village and slept over for the first time when I was 12. I know. I still better pass some of you. One of the days, my cousins came visiting; you know those kind of cousins that are almost your father’s generation? Yeah. Those kind came visiting with one of their sons. I wondered what to say the young man was to me because he was older by every dimension. We ate, they had fun, I watched.

That night, I became a Joseph- only this time, no one was bowing to me or my star. On the contrary, I was defending who I was.

The dream guy called me “Queen” and “Princess” and I said “I wasn’t”. The name came across in that dream as meaning “an authority in the marine kingdom”. This was a position I always desired in real life, but there I was refuting it in my dreams. But here’s the gist! I asked him “do you go to church? Do you know what Romans 14:7 says?”

My dear, this is not a “bible student” thing, I didn’t know at that time what was in Romans. I didn’t even know how many chapters there were. I was going to wake up to something bigger than me.